Getting to Grips with Social Media
Everything Dinosaur Homepage Links to Social Media Sites
Today saw the realisation of a long held ambition of the Everything Dinosaur team members. The home page of Everything Dinosaur’s website has been linked up to the company’s Youtube and Facebook accounts. Timing could not be better as there are an additional two video reviews of Safari Ltd products to view on Everything Dinosaur’s Youtube channel – “DinoaurMike1”. One video is a review of the Prehistoric Sealife Toob made by Safari, the second is a brief review of the new T. rex model, that forms part of the “Wild Safari Dinos” series.
For prehistoric animal themed toys and gifts: Visit Everything Dinosaur’s Website.
Everything Dinosaur
The Facebook pages are regularly updated and contain some of the more quirky things that the company and the staff have been involved with. We put up fresh material as often as we can and we love looking at the other posts from those “Facebookers” (if that is the right phrase), who we are linked to. Social media makes a great place for the Everything Dinosaur dinosaur model reviews and videos.
The Everything Dinosaur Corporate Logo
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
This blog remains the main focus for posting up dinosaur and prehistoric animal news stories, after all we have nearly 1,600 articles on in it already – covering virtually every conceivable subject area, or as a colleague put it “from Aardonyx to Zupaysaurus”. A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur stated that very shortly:
“There would be further integration between Everything Dinosaur’s web presences including a link to the blog from the website’s home page and some changes in the layout and design of the websites to make them more intuitive and user friendly”.
Visit Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube page: Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube Channel.
We wait to see what the developments will be…