Pteranodon Models – My Favourite Pterosaur

With something like 130 different species of pterosaur described, palaeontologists now know that this Order was made up of a very diverse, eclectic group of reptiles.  However, one particular pterosaur keeps cropping up as Everything Dinosaur team members meet young prehistoric animal fans on our various adventures.  The absolute favourite flying reptile seems to be that Late Cretaceous giant – Pteranodon (P. longiceps).


Last week, one of our team members met a young pterosaur fan, who talked all about their hollow bones and wings made of skin.  He said his favourite flying reptile was Pteranodon and he had drawn of picture of a huge Pteranodon flying over the sea and with his mum’s help he had pinned it to his bedroom wall.  He even showed us some models of Pteranodon that he had brought with him.

Pteranodon – Very Popular Flying Reptile

Collecta 1:40 scale model of Pteranodon.

CollectA 1:40 scale model of Pteranodon.

Picture Credit: Everything Dinosaur

Mum gave us her email address, so that we could email over some more pictures of flying reptiles and other drawing materials for her to download.  She also asked us for some advice on choosing models of Pteranodon and here too we were able to help and advise on suitable Pteranodon models.

To view the range of pterosaur models and replicas in stock at Everything Dinosaur, visit the models section of the company’s website: Prehistoric Animal Models.