Company details of Everything Dinosaur on PNSO boxes. The contact details of Everything Dinosaur, an official partner of PNSO, are prominently displayed on product packaging. Customers can contact our support team if they require assistance or advice concerning a PNSO figure. Team members are happy to help and provide advice, support and assistance, after all, we are model collectors too.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur on PNSO Boxes
As well as stunning box art, the contact details for Everything Dinosaur including our website and email address are printed on PNSO Age of Dinosaurs product packaging. We are responsible for “overseas affairs co-ordination, accident transmission, communication and co-ordination, co-operate to deal with all the store matters, and so on”. Whilst we will not comment on the English language translation, in simple terms, as a key supplier of these fabulous prehistoric animal figures we are able to support PNSO and assist them with their sales outside of China.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented that they had posted up information on various social media pages such as Facebook and Instagram confirming that Everything Dinosaur is a key partner of PNSO.
Amazing Prehistoric Animal Models
The PNSO Age of Dinosaurs product range has dramatically expanded over the last few years, with the addition of lots of new, amazing prehistoric animal models. For example, Everything Dinosaur recently received into stock the new for 2022 Jacques the Deinocheirus model along with the new PNSO Sinopliosaurus replica.
The spokesperson confirmed that Everything Dinosaur’s contact details were also on the packaging for the Deinocheirus and Sinopliosaurus figures and their website and email address details could also be found on the free prehistoric animal fact sheet that is despatched to customers.
To view the extensive range of PNSO Age of Dinosaurs museum quality models and figures available from Everything Dinosaur: PNSO Prehistoric Animal Models and Figures.
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