All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.

Fossil finds, new dinosaur discoveries, news and views from the world of palaeontology and other Earth sciences.

19 07, 2023

Amazing Fossil Find Repenomamus Attacks Psittacosaurus

By |2024-01-02T20:36:19+00:00July 19th, 2023|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

A joint Canadian and Chinese team of scientists have described a remarkable fossil that preserves a dramatic moment in time when a carnivorous mammal attacked a bigger herbivorous dinosaur. Repenomamus attacks Psittacosaurus, a stunning fossil specimen from the Lower Cretaceous from the Lujiatun fossil beds.

Psittacosaurus attacked by Repenomamus
Entangled Psittacosaurus and Repenomamus skeletons showing details of their interaction. Scale bar equals 10 cm. Picture credit: Gang Han.

Mammal Attacks a Dinosaur

Dr Jordan Mallon (Canadian Museum of Nature), a co-author of the study published in the journal “Scientific Reports” commented:

“The two animals are locked in mortal combat, intimately intertwined, and it’s among the first evidence to show actual predatory behaviour by a mammal on a dinosaur.”

Life reconstruction showing Psittacosaurus being attacked by Repenomamus.
Life reconstruction showing Psittacosaurus being attacked by Repenomamus 125 million years ago. Picture credit: Michael W. Skrepnick/courtesy of Canadian Museum of Nature.

A Fossil from “China’s Dinosaur Pompeii”

The fossil’s discovery challenges the perception that dinosaurs had few threats from their mammal contemporaries during the Cretaceous. It is true to comment that in most terrestrial ecosystems the dinosaurs dominated. However, this exceptionally rare fossil demonstrates that some mammals may have attacked members of the Dinosauria.

The fossil was collected in China’s Liaoning Province in 2012, and both skeletons are nearly complete. Their completeness is due to the fact that they come from an area known as the Lujiatun fossil beds, which have been dubbed “China’s Dinosaur Pompeii”.

The fossil specimen is now in the collections of the Weihai Ziguang Shi Yan School Museum in China’s Shandong Province.

Entangled Psittacosaurus and Repenomamus skeletons.
Entangled Psittacosaurus and Repenomamus skeletons showing details of their interaction. Scale bar equals 10 cm. Picture credit: Gang Han.

Repenomamus Attacks Psittacosaurus

The dinosaur victim has been identified as Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis. It was about the size of a large dog. It is being attacked by a Repenomamus robustus. Repenomamus is not closely related to placental mammals. It was a triconodont, larger and more powerfully built compared to most Mesozoic mammals. The taxonomic position of the Triconodonta within the stem mammals and the Mammalia remains controversial. With a body length of approximately one metre, R. robustus was smaller and lighter than Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis. However, this fossil provides evidence that this mammal attacked dinosaurs that were larger than itself.

Detail of fossil showing Repenomamus biting the ribs of Psittacosaurus.
Detail of fossil showing Repenomamus biting the ribs of Psittacosaurus. Picture credit: Gang Han.

Repenomamus Ate Psittacosaurus

It was already known that Repenomamus ate dinosaurs. A scientific paper was published in 2005 that documented the discovery of a large Repenomamus fossil specimen with the preserved remains of a juvenile Psittacosaurus in what would have been the animal’s digestive tract.

Dr Mallon explained:

“The co-existence of these two animals is not new, but what’s new to science through this amazing fossil is the predatory behaviour it shows.”

Detail of the fossil showing the left hand of Repenomamus wrapped around the lower jaw of Psittacosaurus.
Detail of the fossil showing the left hand of Repenomamus wrapped around the lower jaw of Psittacosaurus. Picture credit: Gang Han.

The Lujiatun Member (Yixian Formation)

The Lujiatun Member of the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of China is famous for its extensive vertebrate fossil remains. Animals were buried by mudslides and debris following volcanic eruptions. These pyroclastic flows entombed these unfortunate creatures preserving their last moments of life more than 125 million years ago.

Hillside where the Psittacosaurus and Repenomamus fossils were found.
Hillside where the fossil was collected from the Lujiatun Member of the Yixian Formation of north-eastern China in 2012. Picture credit: Gang Han.

The Psittacosaurus-Repenomamus fossil was in the care of study co-author Dr Gang Han in China, who brought it to the attention of Canadian Museum of Nature palaeobiologist Xiao-Chun Wu. Whilst fossil forgeries are known from the Jehol Group of China, the research team excavated more of the matrix and confirmed that this was an authentic specimen, most likely preserving predatory behaviour.

Repenomamus the Aggressor

A detailed examination of the fossil pair shows that the Psittacosaurus is lying prone, with its hindlimbs folded on either side of its body. The body of the Repenomamus coils to the right and sits atop its prey, with the mammal gripping the jaw of the larger dinosaur. The mammal is also biting into some of the ribs, and the back foot of Repenomamus is gripping onto the dino’s hind leg. These animals are locked in mortal combat.

Dr Mallon postulated that the weight of evidence suggested that an attack from the Repenomamus was underway when the pyroclastic flow killed both animals.

Detail of fossil showing the left hind foot of Repenomamus gripping the left lower leg of Psittacosaurus.
Detail of fossil showing the left hind foot of Repenomamus gripping the left lower leg of Psittacosaurus. Picture credit: Gang Han.

Not Scavenging a Carcase

The research team have ruled out the possibility that the Repenomamus was scavenging a Psittacosaurus corpse. Tooth marks on the dinosaur bones are absent, suggesting that this fossil represents evidence of a mammal attacking a dinosaur.

It is unlikely the two animals would have become so entangled if the dinosaur had been dead before the mammal encountered it. The position of the Repenomamus on top of the Psittacosaurus suggests it was also the aggressor.

Attacks on herbivores by smaller carnivores are seen today. Mallon and Wu note that some lone wolverines are known to hunt larger animals, including caribou and domestic sheep. On the African savanna, wild dogs, jackals and hyenas will attack prey that are still alive, with the prey collapsing, often in a state of shock.

Dr Mallon stated:

“This might be the case of what’s depicted in the fossil, with the Repenomamus actually eating the Psittacosaurus while it was still alive—before both were killed in the roily aftermath.”

Repenomamus robustus attacks Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis
Repenomamus robustus attacks Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis moments before a volcanic debris flow buries them both circa 125 million years ago. Picture credit: Michael W. Skrepnick/courtesy of Canadian Museum of Nature.

The research team speculates in their research paper that further amazing fossils await discovery. The volcanically derived deposits from the Lujiatun fossil beds will continue to yield new evidence of interactions among species.

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the Canadian Museum of Nature in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “An extraordinary fossil captures the struggle for existence during the Mesozoic” by Gang Han, Jordan C. Mallon, Aaron J. Lussier, Xiao-Chun Wu, Robert Mitchell and Ling-Ji Li published in Scientific Reports.

18 07, 2023

Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki – Germany’s Oldest Spider a New Fossil Discovery

By |2024-01-02T20:36:53+00:00July 18th, 2023|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

The oldest spider ever found in Germany has been scientifically described. Named Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki this ancient creepy-crawly roamed northern Germany more than 300 million years ago (Carboniferous).

The fossils of this arachnid come from the Piesberg quarry near Osnabrück in Lower Saxony. They represent the first Palaeozoic spider found in Germany.

Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki fossils and line drawings
Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki fossils (top) and interpretative line drawing (bottom). Picture credit: Jason Dunlop, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki

In a recent article published in the international journal Paläontologische Zeitschrift, Dr Jason Dunlop from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin described this ancient arthropod. The spider is between 310 and 315 million years old and was named after its discoverer, Tim Wolterbeek, who generously donated the fossil to the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

The spider had a body length of about one centimetre and a leg span of about four centimetres. It was about the same size as a common Wolf spider (Lycosidae). It belonged to a primitive group of arachnids known as the mesotheles, which, in contrast to most spiders today, still have a segmented abdomen. Its living relatives are found only in eastern Asia.

The fossil reveals stunning details. The silk-producing spinnerets and even hair and claws on the legs have been identified.

Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki life reconstruction.
An Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki life reconstruction. Picture credit: Jason Dunlop, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

One of Nature’s Big Success Stories

The Arachnida are one of nature’s great success stories. More than 50,000 species of spider have been described worldwide. About a thousand species live in Germany. Spiders are also preserved as fossils. More than 1,400 extinct species are known. It is thought the first spider-like, terrestrial arthropods evolved in the Devonian. These creatures rapidly diversified and thrived in the swamps of the Carboniferous. They became important predators of insects and other small invertebrates. Some giant forms evolved, although the classification of some specimens remains controversial. For example, Megarachne servinei from the Late Carboniferous of Argentina had a leg span in excess of fifty centimetres. Once thought to be a giant spider, it has been reclassified as a bizarre eurypterid.

To read an article from 2018 about the discovery of a Cretaceous-aged spider with a whip-like tail: A Tale of a Spider with a Tail.

The Piesberg quarry is an important fossil site and was declared a National Geotope in 2019. The location has yielded numerous fossils of plants, insects and other animals, including arachnids such as scorpions. This new fossil shows that Late Carboniferous spiders also lived in the Piesberg coal forests. Spiders of this age are still extremely rare. Only twelve Carboniferous species worldwide can be positively identified as spiders, with previous records coming from France, the Czech Republic, Poland and the United States (Mazon Creek).

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “The first Palaeozoic spider (Arachnida: Araneae) from Germany” by Jason A. Dunlop published in Paläontologische Zeitschrift.

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

11 07, 2023

Anomalocaris canadensis Did Not Catch Trilobites

By |2023-08-07T07:17:07+01:00July 11th, 2023|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

A newly published study suggests that the Cambrian predator Anomalocaris canadensis had grasping appendages that were too weak to crack trilobite exoskeletons.

The research examined the mechanical properties of the claw-like appendages of the Late Cambrian predator Anomalocaris canadensis. The study concluded that this marine carnivore was built for speed but was not strong enough to crack the exoskeletons of trilobites.

An Anomalocaris canadensis illustration.
An Anomalocaris life reconstruction. Picture credit: Katrina Kenny.

A Nektonic, Agile Hunter

Writing in the academic journal the Proceedings of the Royal Society Biology, the researchers led by Russell Bicknell (American Museum of Natural History), show that A. canadensis was weaker than previously thought. They postulate that Anomalocaris was a fast and agile swimmer. It was nektonic, catching soft prey such as jelly fish and early vertebrates in open water. The study further refutes the idea that this large predator hunted trilobites.

Anomalocaris canadensis fossil.
The fossilised head of an Anomalocaris canadensis showing a contracted grasping appendage. Picture credit: Greg Edgecombe.

This Study Supports the Conclusions of Earlier Research

Earlier research (Christopher Nedin, 1999) focused on the ring-shaped mouthparts of Anomalocaris (the oral cone). Anomalocaris mouthparts were at first misidentified. The oral cone was once thought to represent a jellyfish and named Peytoia. The lack of wear on the mouthparts was highlighted suggesting that they did not they did not come into regular contact with mineralised trilobite exoskeletons. It was proposed these radiodonts probably fed on soft-bodied organisms.

Revising the Behaviour of Anomalocaris canadensis

It had been thought that Anomalocaris was responsible for some of the scarred and crushed trilobite specimens preserved in the fossil record.

Postdoctoral researcher Russell Bicknell commented:

“That didn’t sit right with me because trilobites have a very strong exoskeleton, which they essentially make out of rock, while this animal would have been mostly soft and squishy.”

Anomalocaris drawing. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The illustration (above) is based on the recently introduced CollectA Anomalocaris replica.

To view this model range: CollectA Prehistoric Life Figures.

Examining the Grasping Appendages

This study set out to investigate whether the pair of grasping appendages located on the head were capable of ripping apart a trilobite. Burgess Shale fossil material was used to create an accurate three-dimensional model of Anomalocaris canadensis.

Natural History Museum researcher and co-author of the paper, Greg Edgecombe explained:

“Having access to specimens with the entire body preserved in the fossils allowed us to understand the anatomy of the appendages in the context of the rest of the head and the trunk. We were able to get a better picture of Anomalocaris as a living organism.”

A fossilised Anomalocaris appendage.
A new biomechanical study using techniques applied in engineering projects suggests that the spiked, grasping appendages of Anomalocaris canadensis were not strong enough to break the exoskeleton of a trilobite. Picture credit: Greg Edgecombe.

Compared to Extant Whip Scorpions and Whip Spiders

The scientists used modern predatory whip spiders and whip scorpions as analogues. The team demonstrated that the predator’s segmented appendages were able to grab prey and could both stretch and flex. Finite element analysis, a modelling technique used in engineering, was used to identify stresses and points where the appendage would have been under strain.

The team calculated that the appendages would have been damaged while grasping hard prey such as trilobites. The researchers also used computational fluid dynamics to place the three-dimensional model of Anomalocaris in a virtual current to predict the body position it would use while swimming.

Dr Imran Rahman (London Natural History Museum) stated:

“This study emphasises the great potential of modern computer modelling methods in palaeontology. By employing techniques more commonly used in other disciplines like engineering, we can test ideas about long-extinct animals like Anomalocaris.”

This is the first time this combination of biomechanical modelling techniques has been used together in a single study. A different view of Anomalocaris canadensis has emerged. The animal was probably nektonic. A speedy swimmer, chasing soft-bodied prey in the water column with its front appendages outstretched and forward-facing.

Bicknell remarked:

“Previous conceptions were that these animals would have seen the Burgess Shale fauna as a smorgasbord, going after anything they wanted to, but we are finding that the dynamics of the Cambrian food webs were probably much more complex that we once thought.”

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the London Natural History Museum in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “Raptorial appendages of the Cambrian apex predator Anomalocaris canadensis are built for soft prey and speed” by Russell D. C. Bicknell, Michel Schmidt, Imran A. Rahman, Gregory D. Edgecombe, Susana Gutarra, Allison C. Daley, Roland R. Melzer, Stephen Wroe and John R. Paterson published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

10 07, 2023

Remarkable Oldest Fossil “Stomach Stone” Discovered

By |2024-01-02T20:38:48+00:00July 10th, 2023|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

The oldest fossil “stomach stone” has been discovered at Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset on the famous “Jurassic Coast”. The baseball-sized fossil was found by the eminent palaeontologist Dr Steve Etches MBE. It is thought to be around 150 million years old. The fossil is at least 59 million years older than the previous oldest known fossilised stomach stone.

Oldest fossil "stomach stone".
The world’s oldest fossil “stomach stone” also known as a calculus. This exceptionally rare fossil was found at Kimmeridge Bay. It is estimated to be approximately 150 million years old (Late Jurassic). Picture credit: Ivan Sansom.

Fossil “Stomach Stone” – A Calculus

Dr Etches sought the opinions of other palaeontologists to see if he could learn more about this mystery object. It was initially dismissed as not being organic in nature. The consensus was that it had formed through geological processes. The stone was passed on to experienced fossil preparator Nigel Larkin who compared it to material in the collections of the Royal College of Surgeons, England, and the University College London (UCL) pathology collections.

It soon became clear the stone was a “calculus”. A “calculus” is a concretion, a collection of minerals that form in the body. These objects are found in many parts of the body, the kidneys, the bladder, the stomach the urinary tract and they have a very specific internal structure.

Steve Etches holding the fossil "stomach stone".
Dr Steve Etches MBE holding the world’s oldest calculus. One of the UK’s rarest fossils. Found by Steve at Kimmeridge on the Jurassic Coast. Picture credit: The Etches Collection.

An Exceptional Fossil Discovery

Only a handful of calculi have been discovered in the fossil record. It is thought that more exist, but they have not been formally identified.

Nigel Larkin commented:

“I was fascinated by this very curious mystery object and was determined to discover what it was. Unless stomach stones are actually found preserved within a skeleton it is almost impossible to tell what sort of animal it might have formed inside.”

The size of the stomach stone and the location of its discovery (marine deposits) suggests that this object formed inside the body of a large marine reptile. The calculus could have come from a plesiosaur, an ichthyosaur, a pliosaur or perhaps a marine crocodile.

Dr Ivan Sansom, Senior Lecturer in Palaeobiology at the University of Birmingham, carried out microscopic analyses of the stone to determine the exact structure of the specimen and its mineral composition. Based on this analysis Dr Sansom concluded that this stone had formed in the gastro-intestinal tract. It was a fossil “stomach stone”.

The Only Calculus from the UK Fossil Record

The fossil “stomach stone” is estimated to be around 150 million years old (Late Jurassic). This discovery extends the range of known calculi in the fossil record by approximately 59 million years. It is the only fossil of its kind to have been found in the UK. It also confirms their occurrence in marine palaeoenvironments rather than just terrestrial deposits.

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the University of Reading in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “The fossil record’s oldest known calculus (an enterolith of the gastrointestinal tract), from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic), UK” by Nigel R. Larkin, Thomas Henton, Steve Etches, Adrian J. Wright, Tzu-Yu Chen, Laura L. Driscoll, Richard M. Shelton and Ivan J. Sansom published in the Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association.

2 07, 2023

A Wonderful Palaeotherium Welcomed Back at Crystal Palace

By |2024-01-02T20:39:15+00:00July 2nd, 2023|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Photos|0 Comments

A Victorian-era statue of a Palaeotherium magnum, an ancient mammal distantly related to horses has been rebuilt and installed at Crystal Palace. The original sculpture, designed by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, was lost in the 1960s. Thanks to a dedicated team of historians, palaeontologists and artists Palaeotherium has returned to the famous Crystal Palace Dinosaurs site.

The Palaeotherium statue on display at the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs site.
The new Palaeotherium sculpture in situ at the Park. Picture credit; James Balston.

The Crystal Palace Dinosaurs Site

The Crystal Palace Dinosaurs have Grade 1 listed status. The collection consists of around thirty figures and approximately forty geological displays. They were created in the 1850s and represent the world’s first attempt to depict life-size prehistoric animals.

Commenting on the significance of the site, evolutionary biologist at the Natural History Museum and Chair of the Friends of the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, Elinor Michel stated:

“The sculptures are of huge historic and scientific importance. The display first opened twenty-eight years before the London Natural History Museum and was the first-time models of extinct creatures had been used to engage people with science and geological time. For many visitors, this was their first introduction to the idea of lost worlds of animals and environments that no longer exist.”

Victorian-era Sculptures of Prehistoric Animals

Crystal Palace might be famous for its dinosaur sculptures, but only four of the statues represent members of the Dinosauria. The other figures represent marine reptiles, pterosaurs, crocodilians, amphibians and prehistoric mammals.

Iguanodons at Crystal Palace.
A pair of Iguanodons study the Crystal Palace landscape. The Grade 1 listed statues have been undergoing extensive conservation. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The building of a life-size Palaeotherium magnum was a task taken up by Britain’s leading palaeo artist and chum of Everything Dinosaur Bob Nicholls. Friends of the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, staff from the Natural History Museum and researchers from the University of Portsmouth supervised the project.

Building the Palaeotherium sculpture.
Building the Palaeotherium statue, an image of the original sculpture can be seen in the background. Picture credit: Bob Nicholls.

This is the first attempt in twenty years to replace a lost sculpture at Crystal Palace. The resurrection of Palaeotherium emphasises the importance of the work to document the changes that have taken place within the grounds.

Palaeotherium magnum

Professor Adrian Lister (London Natural History Museum) commented:

“Palaeotherium magnum is the largest among a group of five mammal species represented in the Park that lived in the Eocene some 44.5 to 33.5 million years ago when Britain was clothed in tropical forest. The size of a small, chunky pony, it was a browsing mammal some 2 metres long and 1.3 metres high.”

Palaeotherium magnum illustrated
A life reconstruction of Palaeotherium magnum. Picture credit: Mark Witton.

The restored sculpture was unveiled at a special ceremony at Crystal Palace Park today (2nd July, 2023). As part of the events to commemorate the return of Palaeotherium, visitors were offered a conducted tour of the site.

Unveiling the Palaeotherium magnum sculpture.
A big crowd gathered to witness the Palaeotherium unveiling. Picture credit: Neil Scott-Sills.

Palaeotherium Project is Part of a Wider Initiative

The Palaeotherium project is part of a wider initiative to revive and conserve the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs site. Friends of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, Historic England, the new Crystal Palace Park Trust and Bromley Council have been working together to develop a plan to protect the site. The resurrection of Palaeotherium magnum highlights a more optimistic, entertaining and enlightening future for one of the UK’s most iconic greenspaces.

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the London Natural History Museum in the compilation of this article.

30 06, 2023

Iani smithi – A New Dinosaur is Described

By |2024-01-02T20:28:09+00:00June 30th, 2023|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles|0 Comments

A newly discovered ornithopod dinosaur is helping to document faunal turnover in the early Late Cretaceous of North America. The dinosaur, named Iani smithi has been classified as a basal member of the Rhabdodontomorpha. This type of dinosaur is distantly related to the duck-billed dinosaurs (Hadrosauridae), which were to become extremely common by the Late Cretaceous.

The plant-eating I. smithi lived when the Earth was undergoing an intensive period of climate change. Global populations of dinosaurs were changing. Many long-established clades were dying out, being replaced with different types of dinosaur that were to dominate terrestrial environments until the end of the Mesozoic.

A life reconstruction of a juvenile Iani smithi.
A life reconstruction of a juvenile Iani smithi. I. smithi an ornithopod from the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah. Picture credit: Jorge Gonzalez.

Iani smithi

Described from fossils excavated in 2014 from a quarry within the lower Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation (Utah), the single specimen is thought to represent a juvenile. The fossil material consists of a disarticulated skull, vertebrae, limb elements, parts of the pectoral and pelvic girdles and ribs.

Researchers estimate that Iani lived approximately 99 million years ago (Cenomanian faunal stage of the Late Cretaceous). The Earth was rapidly warming due to increased concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Sea levels were rising and this dramatic period of climate change, known as the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum (KTM), led to extensive faunal turnover.

In North America, sauropods became rarer and eventually extinct (probably). Smaller ornithischian dinosaur clades began to dominate terrestrial environments. Spinosaurids and carcharodontosaurids were in decline. These theropods were eventually replaced by tyrannosaurs and abelisaurids.

This dramatic faunal turnover is reflected in the dinosaur’s name. The genus honours Janus – the two-faced Roman god of change.

The species name honours Joshua Aaron Smith. It is in recognition of his contribution to the discovery and conservation of paleontological resources in Utah.

A Rarity in North America

Iani smithi will help palaeontologists to better understand the transition of the Ornithopoda from Early Cretaceous groups to those bird-hipped dinosaurs that dominated Late Cretaceous terrestrial environments. Early rhabdodontomorphs such as Iani are exceptionally rare in the North American fossil record.

Corresponding author of the scientific paper, Lindsay Zanno (North Carolina State University) commented:

“Finding Iani was a streak of luck. We knew something like it lived in this ecosystem because isolated teeth had been collected here and there, but we weren’t expecting to stumble upon such a beautiful skeleton, especially from this time in Earth’s history. Having a nearly complete skull was invaluable for piecing the story together.”

A Phylogenetic Assessment of Iani smithi

Zanno and her team used the well-preserved skeleton to analyse the evolutionary relationships of Iani and were surprised, and at first sceptical of their findings.

Associate research professor Lindsay Zanno explained:

“We recovered Iani as an early rhabdodontomorph, a lineage of ornithopods known almost exclusively from Europe. Recently, palaeontologists proposed that another North American dinosaur, Tenontosaurus – which was as common as cattle in the Early Cretaceous – belongs to this group, as well as some Australian critters. If Iani holds up as a rhabdodontomorph, it raises a lot of cool questions.”

CollectA Tenontosaurus model.
The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Tenontosaurus model.

The picture (above) shows a model of Tenontosaurus from the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range.

To view this range of prehistoric animal figures: CollectA Prehistoric Life Figures.

The research team speculate that Iani could be the last of its line. Studying this fossil specimen, in the context of environmental and biodiversity changes during the Cretaceous will provide insight into the history of our planet.

Lindsay Zanno added:

“Iani may be the last surviving member of a lineage of dinosaurs that once thrived here in North America but were eventually supplanted by duckbill dinosaurs. Iani was alive during this transition, so this dinosaur really does symbolise a changing planet.”

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the North Carolina State University in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “An early-diverging iguanodontian (Dinosauria: Rhabdodontomorpha) from the Late Cretaceous of North America” by Lindsay E. Zanno, Terry A. Gates, Haviv M. Avrahami, Ryan T. Tucker and Peter J. Makovicky published in PLoS One.

27 06, 2023

Placental Mammals Co-existed with Dinosaurs

By |2023-07-01T08:35:14+01:00June 27th, 2023|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles|0 Comments

New research using complex mathematical models has proposed that placental mammals co-existed with dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous. Using sophisticated Bayesian statistical analysis an international team of researchers have estimated that placental mammals originated during the Late Cretaceous. However, it was only after the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs that modern, recognisable lineages of placentals were able to diversify.

Debate has long raged amongst researchers over whether placental mammals were present alongside the dinosaurs before the mass extinction, or whether they only evolved after the non-avian dinosaur extinction. Fossils of placental mammals are only found in rocks younger than 66 million years old, after the end-Cretaceous extinction event. This suggests that the group evolved after the demise of the non-avian Dinosauria. However, molecular clock data indicates that placental mammals originated earlier.

When Did Placental Mammals Evolve?

Writing in the academic journal “Current Biology”, a team of researchers including palaeobiologists from the University of Bristol, the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and scientists from Sweden used a complex statistical analysis to confirm placental mammals co-existed the dinosaurs.

Lead author of the study Emily Carlisle (School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol) commented:

“We pulled together thousands of fossils of placental mammals and were able to see the patterns of origination and extinction of the different groups. Based on this, we could estimate when placental mammals evolved.”

PhD student Emily Carlisle.
PhD student Emily Carlisle (University of Bristol), the lead author of the paper. Picture credit: Emily Carlisle.

Co-author Daniele Silvestro (University of Fribourg) explained:

“The model we used estimates origination ages based on when lineages first appear in the fossil record and the pattern of species diversity through time for the lineage. It can also estimate extinction ages based on last appearances when the group is extinct.”

Placental Mammals Co-existed with Dinosaurs

The analysis indicates that primates (the ancestors of humans) probably evolved just before the K-Pg mass extinction event. In addition, the Lagomorpha (rabbits and hares) and the Carnivora were shown to have evolved when non-avian dinosaurs still roamed. The Carnivora is an extremely diverse Order of placental mammals. It includes cats, dogs, hyenas, civets, mongooses, bears, raccoons, pinnipeds (seals) and the mustelids (weasels, otters and their relatives).

To read an article from 2017 that examines evidence for an Early Cretaceous origin of placental mammals: Evidence of Placental Mammals – Dorset Fossils.

Co-author Professor Phil Donoghue (School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol) added:

“By examining both origins and extinctions, we can more clearly see the impact of events such as the K-Pg mass extinction or the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM).”

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a press release from the University of Bristol in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “A timescale for placental mammal diversification based on Bayesian modelling of the fossil record” by Emily Carlisle, Christine M. Janis, Davide Pisani, Philip C. J. Donoghue and Daniele Silvestro published in Current Biology.

19 06, 2023

Smallest Sauropodomorph from the Jurassic

By |2023-07-03T07:11:28+01:00June 19th, 2023|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles|0 Comments

An analysis of a single bone from the arm of a dinosaur suggests that South African sauropodomorphs were more diverse than previously suspected. In addition, the study published in Royal Society Open Science, proposes that the fossil bone represents a new taxon. As an adult, with a body weight of around seventy-five kilograms, this dinosaur is one of the smallest sauropodomorph taxa known to science and the smallest reported to date from Jurassic sediments.

Not a Juvenile Massospondylus carinatus

The fossil bone, a humerus, was found in 1978. It comes from a dinosaur bonebed (Massospondylus Assemblage Zone) associated with the Elliot Formation of South Africa. It had been thought to represent a juvenile Massospondylus (M. carinatus).

Smallest sauroodomorph study - a Massospondylus fossil skeleton.
A Massospondylus fossil skeleton replica on display at the London Natural History Museum. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Studying the Sauropoda

Sauropodomorph dinosaurs are famously represented by colossal giants like Diplodocus, Patagotitan and Argentinosaurus, reaching body masses up to 70 tonnes. The ancestors of these animals, however, have more humble beginnings.

The first members of the group appear in the Triassic (Carnian period, 233–231 million years ago), with very small sizes (less than 15 kilograms, for example Buriolestes schultzi from Brazil).

As time progressed into the Jurassic (Hettangian period, 200 million years ago), early branching sauropodomorphs evolved a diverse range of body sizes, postures, and ecological adaptations. At this point, sauropodomorphs of less than 1 tonne are rare, although taxa like Massospondylus carinatus (adult body mass of around half a tonne) occur at nearly all dinosaur-bearing localities worldwide and can be locally superabundant.

The Smallest Sauropodomorph

The sauropodomorph fossil humerus BP/1/4732 from the Free State of South Africa was believed to be a juvenile Massospondylus carinatus specimen until now. A recent morphological and osteohistological study found that it was in fact an adult individual of a new species of dinosaur. The latter would have a fully grown body mass of approximately 75 kilograms, making it the smallest known adult sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Jurassic, and the first one weighing less than 100 kilograms.

Smallest sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Jurassic.
Left humerus (specimen number BP/1/4732) and stained cross section of bone providing evidence of the dinosaur’s age and maturity. Picture credit: Kimi Chapelle.

Dr Kimberley Chapelle, commented:

“Until now, we were unaware that early sauropodomorphs could reach such small sizes during the Jurassic period, so the smallest skeletons were assumed to belong to juvenile individuals. We can now reassess these skeletons discovered in southern Africa and hopefully find a more complete individual from which we can name a new species.”

Not Possible to Erect a New Genus

With just a single bone it is not possible to erect a new genus. Previously, all sauropodomorph fossils found in that locality were ascribed to Massospondylus. However, more detailed assessments of the fossil material revealed that some of the bones represent different genera. As a PhD student, Kimberley Chapelle worked on a set of fossils that led to the establishment of a new South African sauropodomorph species named Ngwevu intloko.

To read Everything Dinosaur’s blog post about the discovery of Ngwevu intloko: New Dinosaur Species Hiding in Plain Sight.

Dr Chapelle added:

“Small ornithischian dinosaurs like Lesothosaurus first appeared in southern Africa during the Early Jurassic, and some scientists suggest they might have outcompeted early sauropodomorphs. I think this is unlikely, as many similarly sized mammals share similar niches today. Instead, it’s possible that sauropodomorphs lost the ability to stay this small as part of the evolution of large size, but we just don’t know.”

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the corresponding author in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “Osteohistology reveals the smallest adult Jurassic sauropodomorph” by Kimberley E. J. Chapelle, Jennifer Botha and Jonah N. Choiniere published in Royal Society Open Science.

16 06, 2023

The New Vectipelta barretti Honours Natural History Museum Professor

By |2024-01-02T20:31:26+00:00June 16th, 2023|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles|0 Comments

A new taxon of armoured dinosaur has been described from fossils found on the Isle of Wight. The new ankylosaurid has been named Vectipelta barretti (pronounced Vec-tea-pelt-tah bar-rett-ee). The genus name is derived from the Roman name for the Isle of Wight “Vectis” and “pelta” the Latin for shield. The species name honours Professor Paul Barrett of the London Natural History Museum. This is the first dinosaur named honouring Professor Barrett. The name recognises the on-going contribution Professor Barrett has made to vertebrate palaeontology and his support and mentoring of other scientists who also worked on this study.

Two Vectipelta barretti armoured dinosaurs.
An artist’s impression of a pair of Vectipelta armoured dinosaurs from the Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight. Picture credit: Stu Pond.

Vectipelta barretti

Lead author of the paper, published in the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, Stuart Pond (London Natural History Museum), commented:

“This is an important specimen because it sheds light on ankylosaur diversity within the Wessex Formation and Early Cretaceous England.”

The fossil material consists of a partial skeleton. Cervical, dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebrae have been recovered along with numerous osteoderms, limb elements and a well-preserved but fragmentary pelvic girdle. The first fossils were discovered in the early 1990s, following a landslip west of Chilton Chine (south-western coast of the Isle of Wight). Like many armoured dinosaur fossils associated with the Wessex Formation, the fossils were ascribed to Polacanthus foxii. However, the researchers were able to identify several unique traits in the bones that confirmed that this was a new species.

Vectipelta barretti IWCMS 2021.75 pelvis in dorsal view.
Vectipelta barretti IWCMS 2021.75 pelvis in dorsal view. Picture credit: Stuart Pond.

Not Closely Related to Polacanthus

A phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that Vectipelta was not closely related to Polacanthus. It is more closely related to the geologically younger Chinese ankylosaurids Zhejiangosaurus and Dongyangopelta. This suggests that during the Early Cretaceous there may have been extensive faunal interchange between continents. The picture of ankylosaurid distribution and dispersal may be much more complicated than previously suspected.

To view models of ankylosaurids including Chinese armoured dinosaurs: PNSO Age of Dinosaurs Models and Figures.

Vectipelta is estimated to have measured around four metres in length. It would have been relatively slow-moving with broad hips.

When asked to comment about the spiky, ponderous dinosaur named after him, Professor Barrett stated:

“I’m flattered and absolutely delighted to have been recognised in this way, not least as the first paper I ever wrote was also on an armoured dinosaur in the NHM collections. I’m sure that any physical resemblance is purely accidental.”

Vectipelta barretti.
A closer view of the new armoured dinosaur from the Isle of Wight (V. barretti). Picture credit: Stu Pond.

More Wessex Formation Armoured Dinosaurs Awaiting Discovery

Although the Wessex Formation is notoriously difficult to date, Vectipelta fossil material is associated with the early Barremian. This armoured dinosaur could have roamed the Isle of Wight around 125 million years ago. The Polacanthus holotype material could be late Barremian in age. This suggests that Vectipelta barretti could be 6-8 million years older than Polacanthus foxii. The other ankylosaurid associated with the Wealden Group is Hylaeosaurus armatus. Hylaeosaurus fossils are associated with even older strata (Valanginian faunal stage). There could be as much as three million years separating Hylaeosaurus from Vectipelta.

The researchers conclude that there were probably lots of different armoured dinosaurs roaming southern England during the Early Cretaceous.

Vectipelta life reconstruction.
Vectipelta life reconstruction. Picture credit: Stuart Pond.

Historically, the assignment of fragmentary ankylosaurid remains to Polacanthus was probably incorrect. There are likely to be several other armoured dinosaurs awaiting discovery in the rocks of southern England and the Isle of Wight. Recent fossil discoveries have led to the revision of the hadrosauriforms and iguanodontids associated with the Wealden Supergroup. It is likely that the Thyreophora will also have to be revised and more taxa erected.

Vectipelta barretti
A single Vectipelta armoured dinosaur. Picture credit: Stu Pond.

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the London Natural History Museum in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “Vectipelta barretti, a new ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight, UK” by Stuart Pond, Sarah-Jane Strachan, Thomas J. Raven, Martin I. Simpson, Kirsty Morgan and Susannah C. R. Maidment published in the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

14 06, 2023

Unique Ubirajara Fossil Specimen Returned to Brazil

By |2024-01-02T20:30:47+00:00June 14th, 2023|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

The fossils representing the first, non-avian dinosaur with feather-like structures found in South America has been returned to Brazil. The Ubirajara fossil specimen has been repatriated from Germany. This prized but controversial fossil, was named and described in 2020 (Ubirajara jubatus).

Since the scientific publication, campaigners, including many prominent Brazilian scientists, had requested that this dinosaur be returned home. One of the leading advocates for the repatriation was Professor Aline Ghilardi of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

Ubirajara fossil specimen returned to Brazil.
Professor Aline Ghilardi, right, next to Professor Juan Cisnero (UFPI) and the minister of MCTI, Luciana Santos (centre). The Ubirajara fossil specimen is returned to Brazil. Picture credit: Luara Baggi – Ascom/MCTI.

To read the Everything Dinosaur blog post about the formal scientific description of Ubirajara: One Very Flashy New Dinosaur Ubirajara jubatus.

The Return of Ubirajara jubatus

The excitement in Brazil sparked by the scientific publication turned to dismay when it was realised that the fossil had been removed from the country. The materials and methods section of the paper stated that the specimen had been taken out of Brazil in 1995.

The first Brazilian law dealing with the protection of fossils was created in 1942. The legislation permitted fossils to leave the country, but authorisation was required. Subsequently, the law was strengthened, and it outlined how fossils should be collected, exported and insisted that Brazilian scientists should be involved in the study of such artifacts.

Ubirajara jubatus life reconstruction.
Ubirajara jubatus life reconstruction by the very talented palaeoartist Bob Nicholls.

Following a campaign, the paper describing U. jubatus, the first non-avian dinosaur to be found in the Southern Hemisphere with feather-like filaments was withdrawn.

After the allegations of illegal smuggling, it was agreed to return the specimen to Brazil. The scientific name Ubirajara jubatus was removed from the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) registry. The dinosaur’s name currently is regarded as invalid. Whether the scientific name for this little theropod is to be retained has yet to be decided.


The repatriation was assisted by a highly successful social media campaign using the hashtag UbirajaraBelongstoBR.

An investigation was launched in Germany. This culminated in the recognition of the misconduct and unethical behaviour of the researchers involved. With that, finally, it was decided to return the dinosaur home in July 2022.

To read more about this decision: Unique Dinosaur Fossil to be Returned to Brazil.

Fossils and Colonialism

The controversy surrounding Ubirajara highlights a growing trend within palaeontology for assessing the impact of colonialism and the removal of fossil material from countries to America and Europe.

Professor Aline explained:

“Colonialist attitudes influence our science and make it a worse science and the results biased.”

Photographing the Ubirajara fossil specimen (counter slab).
Taking photographs of the Ubirajara fossil (counter slab). Picture credit: Juan Cisneros.

The Return of the Ubirajara Fossil Specimen

The social media campaign played a significant role in the successful repatriation. The return of the Ubirajara fossil specimen was achieved through a collaboration with the public, governments and palaeontologists.

A spokesperson commented that this campaign highlights how the public wants to engage and participate with scientific debate. The return of Ubirajara will hopefully inspire other scientists to engage in such campaigns, helping to improve palaeontology by making it more inclusive, fair and ethical.

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in the compilation of this article.

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s website: Everything Dinosaur.

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