Everything Dinosaur has commissioned an Ingentia prima drawing. We are thrilled to announce that this drawing will be used in our free fact sheet. The Ingentia fact sheet will be sent out with sales of the new CollectA Deluxe 1:40 scale Ingentia prima model. Our unique fact sheet will allow dinosaur enthusiasts to gain a deeper appreciation of one of the largest terrestrial animals known from the Triassic.

Everything Dinosaur has commissioned a drawing of the Late Triassic sauropodiform from northwestern Argentina. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
A silhouette of a person will be added to the Ingentia prima drawing to help fact sheet readers to understand the scale and size of this lizard-hipped dinosaur. Furthermore, other drawings had been commissioned in preparation for the arrival of more of the new for 2025 figures.
To view the range of CollectA Deluxe models and figures available from Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life Models.
An Ingentia prima Drawing
Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“It is wonderful to see CollectA introducing models representing Early Triassic prehistoric animals into their range.”
To read Everything Dinosaur’s blog post from 2018 about the discovery and naming of this huge Triassic dinosaur: Triassic Dinosaurs Just Got a Lot Bigger!
The UK-based mail order company researches and writes lots of prehistoric animal fact sheets. Moreover, they are sent out to customer free of charge. In addition, teachers can request access to these free fact sheets. This fact sheet creating initiative enhances the customer unboxing experience. Furthermore, it also enriches the knowledge of our community. The fact sheets help to inform and educate.
To read an informative article about sauropodiforms: Prosauropods and a Helpful Explanation of Scientific Terms.
Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Figures.
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