Our thanks to prehistoric animal model collector Carl who sent into Everything Dinosaur some photographs of his Haolonggood sauropods. These huge dinosaurs are displayed with several ornithischian figures including the Haolonggood Maiasaura and Edmontosaurus models. The foliage for these herbivores to feed on are two cycad trees from the CollectA range of figures.
It is certainly a most impressive collection.

A procession of prehistoric animal figures. What a fabulous collection! The two CollectA cycad tree models provide something for the sauropods to browse. Picture credit: Carl.
Picture credit: Carl
Superb Haolonggood Sauropods
The range of Haolonggood dinosaur models has expanded to include a range of Jurassic and Cretaceous sauropods. However, the company has yet to make a Triassic sauropodomorph or indeed an example of a basal sauropod such as Vulcanodon, Shunosaurus or Cetiosaurus. There is already a wide variety to choose from. There are giants such as Mamenchisaurus and Apatosaurus was well as representations of smaller sauropods such as Amargasaurus and Dicraeosaurus.
To view the range of Haolonggood sauropods and other prehistoric animal figures available: Haolonggood Dinosaur Models.
Displaying the various 1:35 scale figures together really helps to give an insight into the size differences between different sauropods. In addition, it puts the size of some duck-billed dinosaurs into perspective too.

Haolonggood sauropods and other prehistoric animal models on display. On thanks to model collector Carl for sending into Everything Dinosaur his photographs. Picture credit: Carl.
Picture credit: Carl
Commenting on the display shelf, Mike from Everything Dinosaur stated:
“What an incredible display! This dinosaur model collector is highlighting the enormous variety of sauropod figures. The whole shelf is a tribute to these majestic animals and the intricate details of the models.”
Thank you Carl, for sending these wonderful photographs.
The award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Figures.
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