The third edition of the remarkable book “The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs” is now available.  This is a fully updated and revised edition of this highly acclaimed book series.  Author Gregory S. Paul has once again excelled.  The renowned dinosaur expert has produced a most informative and beautifully illustrated dinosaur book.  Over a hundred new dinosaur taxa have been added to this, the third edition.  It is an updated account of the amazing Dinosauria, building on the excellent second edition that was printed in 2016.

"The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs"

The front cover of “The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs”, the third edition. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To read Everything Dinosaur’s review of the second edition (2016): “The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs” – Second Edition.

“The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs”

Following a brief introduction, the author provides a history of dinosaur research.  Their origins and evolution are discussed before an extensive assessment of dinosaur biology and how behaviours can be inferred from the fossil record.  The dinosaur/bird link is explored, and a small section of this new book examines the consequences if the non-avian dinosaurs had survived the K-Pg extinction event.

Following this comprehensive overview of dinosaur research, the author sets out the taxonomy of the Dinosauria and provides details of species.  Fittingly, basal dinosaurs are covered first.  Theropods and the sauropodomorphs are featured next before the closing chapter tackles the Ornithischia.  This excellent book features beautiful life reconstructions.  For example, Euoplocephalus (see image below).

Euoplocephalus illustrated.

A friendly-looking armoured dinosaur (Euoplocephalus) drawn by Gregory S. Paul. One of numerous full-colour illustrations in the book. Picture credit: Gregory S. Paul.

Picture credit: Gregory S. Paul

Additional Reading and an Overview of Formations

Gregory S. Paul kindly provides a helpful list of additional reading.  In addition, an index to dinosaur taxa is provided along with an alphabetical index of formations where dinosaur fossils have been discovered.  Throughout this book the author has included stunning skeleton reconstructions, often accompanied by life drawings.  He explains what fossils have been found and highlights the palaeoenvironment for each listing.  Close-up drawings of parts of the skeleton such as the skull are also included.

Kentrosaurus aethiopicus illustrations.

The book contains beautiful skeletal reconstructions and drawings of dinosaurs. Picture credit: Gregory S.  Paul.


Picture credit: Gregory S. Paul

Book Details

Title: “The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs” by Gregory S. Paul

Publisher: Princeton University Press

ISBN: 9780691231570

More details and book orders can be made here: Princeton University Press.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“This is a superb dinosaur book. It is a must have for anyone with an interest in dinosaurs.”

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