Being Unique and Some Brilliant Bloopers!

By |2024-09-13T15:18:52+01:00September 13th, 2024|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

Sometimes things do not always go to plan.  At Everything Dinosaur, we work really hard to make sure our customers are looked after.  For example, we have just taken part in some additional training.  We were asked to participate in a testimonial video.  The filming was fun, but we did make a few mistakes.  So, we asked for the outtakes and we created a short YouTube video highlighting our errors.  It is a sort of bloopers reel.  Hope you like it!

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur supported by Digital Cheshire

Authentic Everything Dinosaur

In this short video, (it lasts around a minute) we fluff our lines, lose our train of thought and get confused over the name of the training provider.  By the way, I think we mention that we sell dinosaurs… all over the world.  We have posted our bloopers reel on social media as well as the Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel.

Our YouTube channel: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

However, this short video does demonstrate that Everything Dinosaur is run by two, genuine people.  We are not a faceless corporation.  We believe that our customers do not purchase from Everything Dinosaur, that instead, they buy from Mike and Sue.  People do business with people and Sue and I are happy to help and assist where we can, even though sometimes, we don’t always get everything right, not first time anyway!

To view an earlier blog post that includes the completed and edited video testimonial: A Video About Training Undertaken.

Let’s hope our little bloopers reel puts a smile on people’s faces.  We are genuine, we are authentic.  Many customers have got to know us extremely well over the last twenty years or so.  Being genuine and authentic in ecommerce fosters trust and loyalty, creating meaningful connections with customers that drive long-term business success.

Visit the award-winning company website: Dinosaur Toys.