Sneak Peak of New Magazine Front Cover
Our thanks to editor Mike Fredericks who emailed Everything Dinosaur an image of the front cover of the next edition of “Prehistoric Times”. This quarterly magazine is published in the USA, but it has a worldwide readership and devoted following.

“Prehistoric Times” is aimed at dinosaur enthusiasts and collectors of prehistoric animal models and toys. Every issue has around sixty to seventy pages and it includes updates on the latest research, news and reviews of models and model kits plus interviews with artists and palaeontologists. Readers can submit their own dinosaur and prehistoric animal themed artwork and illustrations too.
The Winter Edition of “Prehistoric Times”
The winter edition of “Prehistoric Times” contains an article on dinosaur eggs by the influential American palaeontologist Kenneth Carpenter. The amazing German Neanderthal Museum (Mettmann, Germany), is explored including the recently opened Höhlenblick tower. This museum charts the emergence of humankind from our beginnings in eastern Africa to the rise of our species Homo sapiens. This fascinating museum is sited close to the location where the first fossils recognised as Homo neanderthalensis were found.
For more information about the magazine and to subscribe: “Prehistoric Times” Magazine.
Issue 148 will include regular contributions from Phil Hore, Tracy Lee Ford and Randy Knol. The featured prehistoric animals are the early, amphibious cetacean Ambulocetus and the megaraptoran theropod Australovenator. In addition, there is a special feature on the trendsetting palaeoartist Eleanor Kish, also known as Ely Kish. This prominent artist sadly passed away a decade ago, but she leaves behind a rich legacy of wildlife art and illustrations of prehistoric animals.
We look forward to receiving the next issue of “Prehistoric Times”. It should be with us in a short while.