Everything Dinosaur has been contacted by Haolonggood with a request to provide feedback. Our Chinese chums would like to know what people think of the Haolonggood dinosaur models. Customers of Everything Dinosaur are aware of how well-connected team members are. We are happy to pass on comments and feedback on behalf of our customers. In addition, Haolonggood have asked for some suggestions for new dinosaur figures. We would be delighted to pass on these suggestions.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
To view the range of Haolonggood dinosaur figures: Haolonggood Dinosaur Figures.
Feedback on Haolonggood Dinosaur Models
The team at Haolonggood have asked two specific questions:
- What do our customers like about Haolonggood models?
- What other dinosaur models would you like Haolonggood to develop?
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented that it was always helpful to receive feedback from customers. Manufacturers also benefitted from comments made by customers and dinosaur model fans.
The spokesperson added:
“Haolonggood were keen to listen to model collectors and they recently amended their Ouranosaurus figure, improving the manus. The changes were made in line with customer expectations.”
To read more about the changes to the Haolonggood Ouranosaurus model: Haolonggood Ouranosaurus with Thumb Spike?
New Model Suggestions
Haolonggood have challenged model collectors to propose new figures for their extensive range. Everything Dinosaur is looking forward to passing on the suggestions. The company has received several already, quite an eclectic range, more theropods as well as ornithischians.
Which dinosaurs would you like Haolonggood to make a model of? Perhaps you would want to see more carnivorous dinosaurs with lips, or maybe you might want to see a marine reptile or pterosaur figure?
We look forward to passing on the feedback.
To visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur website.
As I commented on your Instagram post, I’d love to see more of the smaller dinosaurs from Haolonggood in 1:35 scale. To be more specific, something like Pachycephalosaurus or raptors like Deinonychus. Yes, big dinosaurs are awesome, but smaller ones don’t seem to get the attention they deserve from dinosaur model makers.
I’m also glad they aren’t afraid to do 1:35 scale sauropods; they certainly sure did a phenomenal job making their Apatosaurus, and they recently teased their work on another one; judging from the proportions and the hints of osteoderms on its back, I bet that it’s an Alamosaurus; Titanosaurs, like Alamosaurus really deserve more attention, as they were the last and largest of the Sauropods.
I’d like to see their take on a Tyrannosaurus- onew with lips and all the accurate features.
It would be lovely to seem some hadrosaurs, especially a species that is rarely done or has never been done, such as Hypacrosaurus or Tlatalophus.
PTEROSAURS PLEASE!! I would love to see them continue the two-pose thing they did with their Dilophosaurus with pterosaur models. One flying pose and one standing pose. I don’t see nearly enough scientifically accurate pterosaur models being produced and it would be an absolute treat if Haolonggood did pterosaurs. I would be tempted to buy multiple to make a flock!
Thank you for your comment and for your product suggestion, the pterosaur suggestion is most welcome. In the meantime, if you are looking for really accurate pterosaur models I can recommend the CollectA Deluxe range of pterosaurs, their new Dearc sgiathanach figure is fantastic, it should be in stock in a few weeks. Thanks again for your input.