Academics have defined different types of play activity that children indulge in and concluded that dinosaur toys encourage play. Creative, imaginative play is very important for a child’s development and there are lots of dinosaur and prehistoric animal models available from Everything Dinosaur to keep even the most discerning young dinosaur fan happy.
Picture credit: Schleich
Defining Different Types of Play
Scientists such as psychologists and paediatricians have defined six types of basic play activity namely:
- Independent Play – playing on their own, using imagination.
- Co-operative Play – playing with others, learning to share and to play together.
- Motor skills – hand and eye co-ordination.
- Visual Development – learning to focus, to develop observational skills such as being able to track moving objects.
- Linguistic skills – learning language skills and developing a vocabulary.
- Mathematical skills – learning with numbers, developing confidence with mathematics.
Children engaging in play whether on their own or with others helps them to develop important life skills.
Dinosaur Toys Encourage Play
A spokesperson from the UK-based Everything Dinosaur commented that they were aware that many Reception classes start their autumn term with a topic focused on dinosaurs. This term topic helps to encourage the children to take part in more cognitive based learning activities as they move away from free play.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
We wish all the teaching teams every success with this autumn’s term topics.
Everything Dinosaur stocks a massive range of dinosaur and prehistoric animal themed toys and games, all of which have been tested and approved by team members.
To view the range of dinosaur toys, models and creative play craft items: Prehistoric Animal Toys and Gifts.
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