CollectA Deluxe Lisowicia bojani Video Review
Everything Dinosaur has created a short video review of the new for 2020 CollectA Deluxe Lisowicia bojani model. As well as reviewing the figure, we have provided an outline of some of the science behind the discovery and naming of this huge, Late Triassic dicynodont. In the video, (it lasts just over ten minutes), we also discuss a “secret” Placerias replica and pose the question which prehistoric animal models would you put in a diorama with these two members of the Dicynodontia?
Everything Dinosaur’s Video Review of the CollectA Deluxe Lisowicia bojani Model (Dynamic Dicynodonts)
Video credit: Everything Dinosaur
A Dicynodont Duo
There are not that many dicynodont models made by mainstream manufacturers. Creatures from the Triassic tend to be somewhat underrepresented in model ranges when compared to prehistoric animals that lived during the Jurassic or Cretaceous. However, fans of the Dicynodontia have two protomammals to choose from. There is the CollectA Deluxe Lisowicia bojani, which was introduced this year (2020) and an eye-catching Placerias replica to add to your collection.
A Dicynodont Duo – Lisowicia and Placerias

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The CollectA Deluxe 1:20 scale Lisowicia bojani model can be found in this section of our website: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life Models and Figures.
Model Measurements
In the short video review, we measure the two models and comment on their size and scale. The CollectA Deluxe Lisowicia replica measures around nineteen centimetres in length, stands approximately 7 cm high at the shoulder and that high-arched back is more than 10 cm tall. The Placerias figure, is smaller, it measures about 10 cm in length and it stands around 5 cm high. The sizing is apt, as although Placerias was a large dicynodont, it would have been dwarfed by the elephant-sized Lisowicia, should a Placerias ever encounter one.
Measuring a Prehistoric Protomammal – The Tale of the Tape (Lisowicia bojani)

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
The CollectA Deluxe Lisowicia bojani Helping to Inform and Educate
One of the aims of our videos is to help explain some of the science behind the prehistoric animal that a particular figure might represent. In our video review of the Lisowicia, we highlight where the fossils of this giant dicynodont were found and what other fossils were discovered in association with the remains.
Thanks to the thousands of bones that have been excavated from the Lisowicia dig site, researchers have been able to build up a comprehensive picture of the many different types of animals that co-existed with L. bojani. For example, the narrator comments upon the discovery of the archosaur Smok wawelski and points out the difficulties in classifying this predator as either a member of the Theropoda or a rauisuchid – a diverse group of predatory archosaurs that sit on the crocodilian segment of the Archosauria family tree.
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