Preparing a Video Review of Lisowicia bojani
Preparing a Video Review of the CollectA 1:20 Scale Lisowicia
Everything Dinosaur has been busy planning a video review of the new for 2020 Lisowicia bojani 1:20 scale replica. This eagerly anticipated prehistoric animal model has been in stock for a couple of weeks and it has been very well received by model collectors and fans of prehistoric animal replicas. CollectA are to be praised for introducing a model of a Triassic giant, as Lisowicia had only been named and described in 2018.
Everything Dinosaur Making Preparations for a Video Review of Lisowicia bojani

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Lisowicia bojani – A Member of the Dicynodontia
Lisowicia is the largest member of the Dicynodontia, a group of protomammals that originated in the Permian and persisted (in the case of Lisowicia, the youngest dicynodont to be described to date), into the Late Triassic of Europe. The fossil remains of several individuals, found in clay pit in southern Poland are at least ten million years younger than any other member of the Dicynodontia.
The CollectA 1:20 Scale Deluxe Lisowicia bojani is Reviewed in the Everything Dinosaur Video

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Picking up a Placerias
Team members intend to provide information about the discovery of Lisowicia and its significance. In addition, the video will also feature an inexpensive replica of Placerias (another dicynodont, but this time from North America).
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“Our objective for the video is to showcase the new CollectA Lisowicia and to discuss dicynodonts in general. The video will also permit us the chance to take a good look at the Placerias model we also offer. This particular synapsid figure has proved to be very popular with model makers wanting to include a variety of Late Triassic fauna in dioramas.”
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
The Placerias Model Available from Everything Dinosaur

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur intend to have their “Lisowicia/Dynamic Dicynodonts” YouTube video posted up in the next few days.
The Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel has over 175 dinosaur and prehistoric animal related reviews and features: Subscribe to Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.
To view the CollectA 1:20 scale Lisowicia replica and the rest of the prehistoric animal scale models available: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animal Models and Replicas.