A Review of Prehistoric Times Magazine (Issue 134)
Summer is officially here at the Everything Dinosaur offices with the arrival of the summer edition of “Prehistoric Times”, issue number 134. This is the magazine for dinosaur enthusiasts and fans of model collecting. Published four times a year, “Prehistoric Times” provides a one-stop shop for all your prehistoric animal collecting needs. Adorning the front cover is an illustration of Allosaurus by the highly influential Zdeněk Burian. Inside the magazine John Lavas continues his comprehensive review of the famous Czech artist’s work, the summer edition starts the sequence of articles that will cover dinosaur illustrations produced by Burian and it is the theropods that take centre stage.
The Front Cover of Prehistoric Times (Summer 2020)
Picture credit: Mike Fredericks
Diplodocus and Kaprosuchus
Diplodocus and Kaprosuchus are featured and Phil Hore provides plenty of information including the story of “Dippy” the Diplodocus, not just the London Natural History Museum cast that occupied the famous Hintze hall from 1979 until 2017.
Reading the article was quite poignant for Everything Dinosaur team members, as they had been working with the Natural History Museum “Dippy” tour in the UK when the COVID-19 pandemic began to get really serious and such events were cancelled. There are some wonderful Diplodocus themed illustrations included, look out for the skeleton reconstruction by John Sibbick and the “head on” view created by the talented Luis Rey. There is a Diplodocus drawing submitted by Fabio Pastori and Mark Hallett, provides some illustrations too, along with an article discussing nostril placement in diplodocids.
Phil’s Kaprosuchus article includes plenty of “boar croc” artwork as well. Cody Zaiser’s galloping crocodyliform is particularly impressive.
Kaprosuchus is One of the Featured Prehistoric Animals in Issue 134
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The picture (above) shows a Papo Kaprosuchus model. To see the range of Papo prehistoric animal models available from Everything Dinosaur: Papo Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.
Collector Updates and Neanderthals
Randy Knol provides updates on some of the new releases, now expected towards the latter stages of 2020 (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) and his notes on the models include some cleverly composed photographs of the figures. Dr Andreas Forrer provides a guided tour of three locations in his native Switzerland that were once inhabited by Neanderthals. As well as featuring lots of stunning scenery, the article includes plenty of facts about our near cousins including some information on the author’s own genotype, complete with a trace of Homo neanderthalensis DNA.
There’s also a very well written feature on how to draw Lambeosaurines, specifically Corythosaurus, penned by Tracy Lee Ford. Editor Mike Fredericks, now happily much better after having had a spell in hospital (a troublesome gall bladder), contributes with his regular “Collector’s Corner” and book reviews in “Mesozoic Media”. If creepy crawlies give you the creeps, then it might be best to avoid John Tuttle’s article that documents some of the giant arthropods that once scuttled or buzzed around ancient ecosystems.
One of the Stunning Theropod Illustrations by Zdeněk Burian that Feature in the Magazine
Picture credit: Zdeněk Burian as featured in Prehistoric Times
Visit Everything Dinosaur: Everything Dinosaur.
Subscribe to “Prehistoric Times” Magazine
Issue 134 (summer 2020), is packed full of fascinating articles, great artwork and well-written features. Everything Dinosaur recommends this excellent magazine for dinosaur model fans.
For further information about Prehistoric Times and to subscribe: Prehistoric Times Magazine.
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