Eofauna Scientific Research Atlasaurus Dinosaur Model
Eofauna Atlasaurus Features in Everything Dinosaur Video
Everything Dinosaur team members have been asked to post up some more images of the eagerly anticipated Eofauna Scientific Research Atlasaurus dinosaur model. This exquisite figure is the second dinosaur model to have been introduced by Eofauna, it follows the Giganotosaurus figure that came out earlier this year (January 2019).
The Eofauna Atlasaurus
We have posted up more pictures of this 1:40 scale replica, which is now in stock, both on this blog site and on our other social media platforms such as Pinterest and Facebook. However, we also shot a short video so that viewers could appreciate the size of the model and see the Atlasaurus data card and our fact sheet that accompanies sales.
Getting to Grips with the Eofauna Scientific Research Atlasaurus Dinosaur Model
Video credit: Everything Dinosaur
The video is just under two and a quarter minutes in length, it is not really a review of the figure but we do highlight the paint scheme, discuss the anatomy of this bizarre sauropod and comment upon the beautiful, subtle osteoderms embedded in the back and the base of the tail. We also show the data card (as promised) and highlight the Atlasaurus fact sheet that we send out to our customers with their purchases.
Lighting Conditions Affect the Appearance of Replicas
An important point to note is that the lighting conditions under which a model is photographed or filmed will affect the way the model appears. Our film studio has no source of natural light, so if possible, we try and take some photographs of the model outside so that our customers can view the figure in natural light.
The Eofauna Atlasaurus Dinosaur Model Shown in Natural Light

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
Even so, a photograph taken just minutes apart can provide an image that provides a different impression of the colouration of the model. For example, take a look at the picture (top) and contrast it with this view of the Atlasaurus model just a few moments later (below).
The New for 2019 Eofauna Scientific Research Atlasaurus Dinosaur Model

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur on YouTube
We aim to post up more videos on Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube channel, our next video will feature more new for 2020 prehistoric animal product information from CollectA.
To view Everything Dinosaur’s video of Atlasaurus and the other prehistoric animal model reviews that we have produced, visit our YouTube channel: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.
To purchase the Eofauna Atlasaurus and the other four models in this exciting model range: Eofauna Scientific Research Models.