Rebor Dilophosaurus Figures – Video Review
The talented team at JurassicCollectables have produced another Rebor model video review. They have put together a most informative video review of the latest Rebor replica releases, the Dilophosaurus models “Green Day” and “Oasis”. This in-depth analysis of these two scale model replicas looks at the packaging, examines the bases of the models in detail and of course, takes the viewer on a guided tour of each of the figures.
JurassicCollectables Reviews the Rebor Dilophosaurus Replicas “Green Day” and “Oasis”
Video credit: JurassicCollectables
Rebor Dilophosaurus wetherilli
With JurassicCollectables it is “ladies first” with the female Dilophosaurus “Oasis” taking centre stage for the first part of the video. The narrator carefully unpacks the model and comments on the secure foam packaging that Rebor uses to protect its figures. The model is assembled, but first, the beautifully painted base is examined and then the actual figure is reviewed, with a detailed examination of all the articulated parts and moveable features associated with this Rebor replica.
The Rebor Dilophosaurus “Oasis”
Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
In the video, the narrator explains why the box for the “Oasis” figure is larger, it has to accommodate the tree stump element of the figure’s base. It is intriguing to see these 2019 sculpts compared to a vintage Kenner Dilophosaurus figure, they are in approximately the same scale. “Off-colour Alan” makes an appearance maintaining the nod in the direction of the “Jurassic Park” film franchise and JurassicCollectables demonstrate how the base for “Oasis” can also be used in conjunction with the recently introduced Rebor “Killer Queen” Tyrannosaurus rex model.
A Close View of the Head of Rebor “Oasis”

Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
Having Reviewed the Female Dilophosaurus Figure, “Green Day” the Male Dilophosaur Takes Centre Stage
Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
The YouTube video channel of JurassicCollectables is crammed full of well-written and beautifully shot video reviews of lots of different prehistoric animal models. Everything Dinosaur recommends that readers subscribe to this channel: Visit JurassicCollectables on YouTube.
Examining the Bases
One of the many benefits of a video review like this is that viewers get to see and hear about parts of the figure not necessarily shown in the official model photographs. Take for example, the bases for these two Dilophosaurus replicas. Each model can be displayed on its own, but they are designed to be used as a pair. At Everything Dinosaur, we offer the Rebor Dilophosaurus pair at a special discounted price, this gives collectors the option of purchasing one, or choosing to pick up the pair together. In the video, the narrator takes care to demonstrate how the bases fit together.
The Rebor Models Can Be Displayed Together

Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
Adding a Frill to your Dilophosaurus Figure
As well as providing size measurements and showing these two Rebor figures against other dinosaur models to give a size comparison, the narrator talks about Rebor’s innovative idea to provide a download so that you can customise these models and add a “frill”, to mimic how these dinosaurs were depicted in the first “Jurassic Park” movie.
Customising Your Dinosaur Model
Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
Everything Dinosaur also offers a free download of these Rebor accessories, simply Email Everything Dinosaur and we will be happy to email the free download of the Dilophosaurus accessories to you.
Our thanks to JurassicCollectables for producing such an informative video.
To view the Rebor Dilophosaurus models “Green Day” and “Oasis” and the other Rebor replicas available from Everything Dinosaur: Rebor Prehistoric Animal Models.
Everything Dinosaur’s website: Everything Dinosaur.
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