International Primary Curriculum “Footprints from the Past”
Plans are well advanced for dinosaur and fossil themed workshops to be delivered in the new academic year. Team members are busy with their lesson planning and preparations including writing schemes of work to support the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and the topic area “Footprints from the Past”.
Everything Dinosaur staff have prepared workshops for Foundation Stage classes through to Upper Key Stage 2, helping to enthuse and motivate, working with classes when the children will be investigating dinosaurs and fossils.
Dinosaurs and Fossils Provides Lots of Cross-curricular Learning Opportunities

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
We do a lot of work with schools and our workshops are built around the International Primary Curriculum aims and objectives including developing writing skills, aiding literacy, exploring ideas, problem solving, building confidence and encouraging an understanding of materials and the wider world. There is certainly a big “wow factor” with a visit from ourselves but everything our teaching team does, attempts to reinforce learning and help achieve the teaching outcomes required.
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Footprints from the Past
The “Big Idea” behind this element of the IPC curriculum entitled Footprints from the Past, is that nobody has ever seen a living a dinosaur and therefore how do we know so much about them? This introduces the concept of “dinosaur detectives”, challenging the class to explore ideas and to work scientifically.
From a scientific perspective, dinosaurs are technically not extinct. So, when working with Lower Key Stage 2 for example, we like to challenge their understanding of dinosaurs and extinction, develop some themes through the tactile, visual and kinaesthetic elements of the class workshop and then set the class extension activities based around exploring some of the ideas that we have covered.
Did an Extra-terrestrial Impact Wipe Out All the Dinosaurs?

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur is manned by teachers and real fossil experts and we visit schools to conduct dinosaur and fossil themed workshops whilst working with the learning objectives and intended outcomes as set by the teaching team. We undertake a lot of work in support of the pupil premium in England. We add into our workshops real aspects of palaeontology, enabling children to experience some of the science behind the study of dinosaurs, fossils and other extinct animals. Our costs are made up of a subsidised amount for the teacher/palaeontologist’s time, plus travelling expenses and a small charge to cover the packing of fossils and any materials used.
It looks like our team members are going to have very busy autumn and spring terms.
Visit the award-winning website: Everything Dinosaur.