By Mike|2023-12-05T10:59:19+00:00May 4th, 2019|General Teaching|Comments Off on Everything Dinosaur Gets a New Trade Mark
Everything Dinosaur Gets a Trade Mark
The Everything Dinosaur company has been granted a trade mark for its brand. The granting of this trade mark status has meant that team members have had to update a number of images used on the Everything Dinosaur websites and social media pages. For example, the company logo featured in the header area of this dinosaurs for schools site now has the symbol ® attached to it. An image of the Everything Dinosaur trademark has been reproduced below.
Everything Dinosaur Has Successfully Applied for a Trade Mark
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
What is a Trade Mark?
What is a trade mark? How does this affect a company? A trade mark is a sign that helps to distinguish the origin of goods and services from those of other companies. For example, the logo demonstrates that the sales related to prehistoric animals and such like, that are the core business activities of Everything Dinosaur, come from this organisation. A trade mark can take a variety of forms, it can be symbol, it can take the form of words, smells, logos, sounds, colours or a combination of the above. However, the trade mark needs to be distinctive and acceptable. The Everything Dinosaur trade mark is yet another indication of our long-term commitment to the market place.
The Everything Dinosaur Trade Mark
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“As a small, British company getting trade mark status is important to us, it provides a degree of protection for our business as well as providing assurance to our customer base with regards to our commitment to the market.”
Visit the award-winning and trade marked Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
Scientists from Tsinghua University (Beijing), in collaboration with colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have suggested that the way in which some theropod dinosaurs ran caused their feathered arms to move up and down. Involuntary wing flapping might have been the first stage in the evolution of powered, active flight. This is the conclusion reached in a new scientific paper published in the academic journal “PLOS – Computational Biology”, after a series of highly innovative experiments that involved building a robotic dinosaur and strapping artificial wings to young ostriches.
Modelling the Running Action of Caudipteryx
Picture credit: PLOS – Computational Biology
Ground Up or Tree Down?
Most scientists now accept that the Dinosauria is divided into two divisions, the avian dinosaurs – the birds and the non-avian dinosaurs, essentially all the other dinosaurs. In addition, it is also widely believed that a type of maniraptoran dinosaur (a clade that contains true birds and those dinosaurs closely related to birds), evolved into our feathered friends.
Trouble is, how did powered flight, a trait very closely associated with most birds alive today come about? Were some dinosaurs arboreal, clambering amongst the branches of trees and they then evolved the ability to glide and finally powered flight came about in what is described as a “tree down” approach. Or, were fast-running, cursorial dinosaurs learning to leap into the air and over many generations, feathered arms became longer and stronger and the lift generated led to the evolution of volant dinosaurs and subsequently the birds? This theory is termed “ground up”.
The debate has persisted for more than a hundred years.
Proavis – A Hypothetical Attempt to Assess “Ground Up” – Fast Running Led to the Evolution of Powered Flight
Picture credit: Grant Museum of Zoology
Taking a Mechanical Approach to Caudipteryx
The researchers adopted a mechanical approach to this evolutionary conundrum. They looked at one of the most basal, non-flying feathered dinosaurs known – Caudipteryx and assessed whether if this dinosaur ran fast enough, its running gait might have caused its feathered arms to flap involuntarily.
In theory, if the arms were strong enough, the wings and their feathers large enough, flapping whilst running fast could generate lift and if the lift to body weight ratios were right, then the dinosaur could take to the air. In essence, passive wing flapping may have been an evolutionary precursor to later active wing flapping and powered flight.
An Illustration of Caudipteryx
The Caudipteryx model is from the Safari Ltd range.
An assessment of the fossilised bones of the pheasant-sized Caudipteryx led the researchers to determine that Caudipteryx had a top speed of 8 metres per second (28.8 kmh or 18 mph). However, simulations using mechanical and computer models suggested that at even lower speeds from 2.5 to 5.8 metres per second, the gait of Caudipteryx would have created strong enough vibrations through its body to cause the wings to flap.
Testing the Physical Movement of Artificial Wings on Young Ostriches
Picture credit: PLOS – Computational Biology
A Life-size Robotic Caudipteryx
To test their calculations, the scientists built a life-size, robotic Caudipteryx and tested its running performance on a treadmill. Several young ostriches were kitted out with artificial wings equipped with sensors that could detect lift and forward thrust, or any coefficient drag. These birds were then put on the treadmill to see how they would perform. In addition, five different sizes of feathers on the wings were tried, the larger feathers producing more results akin to the development of powered flight.
Five Different Wing Sizes and Feathers were Tested
Picture credit: PLOS – Computational Biology
Professor John Hutchinson (Royal Veterinary College, London), an expert on animal locomotion, although not directly involved in the research, described this physical modelling approach as “ambitious and creative”, but questioned the paper’s main findings.
The study, for example, may have oversimplified the biology, reducing a living organism to a series of springs and constituent parts with individual mass, subsequently compiled to produce a single result. Caudipteryx could have ran with its arms held very close to its body, helping it to reduce air resistance as it moved quickly, but also negating some of the lift and thrust that might have been generated by its feathered forelimbs.
Despite his reservations, Professor Hutchinson sees this study has helping to “lay groundwork that could be built upon and tested more rigorously.”
It seems that for the time being, the debate between “tree down” and “ground up” remains unresolved and it is not certain how much of a role passive arm flapping as a result of terrestrial locomotion influenced the evolution of active wing flapping, the precursor to a truly aerial existence.