School Poster Promotes the Role of Women in Science
Whilst working at a primary school in London, one of our dinosaur experts spotted this wonderful poster on display promoting the role of women in science. Our team member was in the school hall preparing to deliver a dinosaur and fossil themed workshop to a class of Year 1 children, but prior to the session starting, he took the opportunity to take a picture of the inspirational poster.
Helping to Promote the Role of Women in Science

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Famous Female Scientists
The poster features four famous and influential female scientists, Rosalind Franklin who helped work out the structure of DNA, physicist Chien-Shiung Wu, astronomer Sandra Faber and Hedy Lamarr, perhaps more famous as an actress but also an accomplished inventor who helped pioneer today’s Bluetooth technology.
The poster also explains some of the key skills required to be a good scientist such as making true and fair tests, observing and predicting as well as gathering data.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“This poster is a really good way of getting over to primary school girls that there are some amazing career opportunities in science. It celebrates the role of women in the sciences and hopefully, it will encourage and inspire the next generation. When we deliver our dinosaur and fossil themed workshops in schools, we often introduce the work of Mary Anning, who did so much to improve our understanding about life in the past. Mary Anning is a fantastic role model for primary school children, as she was finding hugely significant fossils on the beach at Lyme Regis when she was about the same age as the schoolchildren.”
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