Writing About Dinosaurs
Young dinosaur fan Jack wrote to Everything Dinosaur to tell us how much he enjoyed our recent visit to his school. Jack is in Year 2, shortly to move onto Year 3 and he loves dinosaurs. Team members at Everything Dinosaur visit schools to conduct dinosaur and fossil themed teaching workshops in support of the national curriculum – everything from Acrocanthosaurus through to Zuniceratops, an A-Z of the Dinosauria.
The Thank You Letter Sent to Everything Dinosaur by Thomas (Year 2)
Picture credit: Thomas/Everything Dinosaur
Learning About Ankyklosaurus and Armoured Dinosaurs
Thomas wrote to thank us for visiting his school. His favourite part in the dinosaur themed workshop was learning about how some armoured dinosaurs kept themselves safe from Tyrannosaurus rex. He also explained that he enjoyed touching the ammonites and trilobites and learning about fossils. Some of the fossils we bring to schools are very big and heavy, a number of his classmates were amazed at how big some fossils can be.
Fossils Come in All Shapes and Sizes
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Children Bring Fossils to School
During the term topic, several children brought in fossils from home. These are fossils they collected whilst visiting various places around the British Isles such as Lyme Regis, the Isle of Wight and the Norfolk coast. Our dinosaur and fossil expert took time out over the mid-morning break to look at some of the items the children had brought in.
Once the workshop had been concluded, a number of follow-up tasks and extension exercises were proposed, we even had some homework too. During our workshop, we promised to send more information on dinosaurs plus pictures of ammonites for the children to colour in and to use in their non-chronological reports about Mary Anning and fossil hunting that they had been compiling.
To learn more about Everything Dinosaur’s work in schools and other company activities: Email Everything Dinosaur.
Thank You Letters Sent to Everything Dinosaur
The thank you letter that Thomas sent into Everything Dinosaur was part of a class exercise. The aim of this exercise was to help the children gain more confidence with their handwriting. Our thanks to Thomas for his letter and also a big Iguanodon thumbs up to all the children that have written to us over the course of the summer holidays. Our team members do read them all and we then post them up onto one of the walls in our warehouse. They make a fantastic display.
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.