Summer School and Dinosaur Letters
Over the last month or so, as summer school organisers have been finalising their plans to keep the children occupied and entertained over the holiday period, Everything Dinosaur has been busy providing advice and free teaching resources to teaching assistants and volunteers as they prepare their summer school programmes. For example, one summer school has spent a whole week learning about dinosaurs, prehistoric animals and life in the past.
Everything Dinosaur Helping by Providing Lesson Plans
We helped provide a lesson plan to support their scheme of work explaining about deep time. Another summer school, has an objective of improving the children’s confidence with writing. Our visit went down very well and we set the children, who ranged in age from six years to eleven years of age, a series of writing tasks including non-fiction chronological reporting.
Our team member received some lovely thank you letters from the children, Eve wrote in to say that she enjoyed the visit and learning all about Tyrannosaurus rex.
A Thank You to Everything Dinosaur
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Eve Says Thanks
Eve also thanked us for giving all the children stickers (dinosaur themed ones of course) and she said her favourite part of the visit was pretending to be an ammonite. It’s always a pleasure helping out with such worthwhile activities and events and we did enjoy coming to the school and spending time supporting the excellent and varied teaching programme that had been organised for the eager, young fossil hunters.
Ammonites are extinct marine cephalopods that thrived during the Mesozoic. Fossils of these molluscs provide important information to palaeontologists and help with relative dating of strata.
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.