More Crocodile Attacks Reported in Gujarat State
The number of crocodile attacks reported by the authorities in Gujarat State (western India), continues to rise with the latest victim a sixteen year old boy who was attacked by a crocodile as he swam in a lake close to Dena village (Gujarat). A day earlier, a woman was dragged into the water by a crocodile near the town of Goraj. The boy, Moin Qureshi managed to escape but suffered injuries to his legs. Villagers report that the lake is home to at least two large crocodiles.
Crocodile Attacks
A spokes person for the villagers explained that locals had been requested to stay away from the water, Moin is in hospital recovering from his ordeal. This attack follows a similar incident reported from northern India last month when two girls were attacked by a crocodile, one of these attacks proved fatal.
There have been a number of such incidents reported from India this year, back in April, Everything Dinosaur team members reported on the series of crocodile attacks in Gujarat State.
To read more about these attacks: Third Fatality as a Result of Crocodile Attack Reported.
At certain times of the year, crocodiles are believed to be more aggressive and therefore more likely to attack people, when females are guarding nests or when males are competing for territory for example. Loss of habitat and the increasing population pressure may also be a factor as people are coming into contact with large crocodiles more frequently.
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