Sorting out Fossil Finds Dinosaur Excavation Kits
The fossil finds dinosaur excavation kits that Everything Dinosaur supplies are certainly very popular. These kits include a digging tool, so that young dinosaur fans can excavate their own plastic dinosaur skeleton and experience what it is like to be a real palaeontologist. The digging tool included is very similar to one we actually use ourselves when working around fossil bone. There are four different types of dinosaur skeleton to collect. They are Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, Stegosaurus and Triceratops.
Fossil Finds
Everything Dinosaur Fossil Finds
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
These dinosaur fossil inspired kits are very popular with teachers who use them as teaching resources in schools as well as with mums and dads who use them at dinosaur themed party gifts. The square packaging makes them ideal for use in a pass the parcel game at a dinosaur inspired birthday party. However, the packaging on all four of the kits looks very similar and our team members at Everything Dinosaur thought it would be a good idea if we published a handy guide to identify which kit is which.
Identifying the Dinosaur
All the kits look the same from the front, this can lead to confusion as purchasers may not be sure which dinosaur fossil find they have.
A View of the Front of the Fossil Finds Packaging

Although there are four different dinosaur fossil finds in the series they all look the same from the front.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
All the fronts of the boxes feature a Tyrannosaurus rex themed fact. The fact states that this apex predator probably ate around seventy-five kilogrammes of meat a day, the equivalent of 1,500 sausages. Customers of Everything Dinosaur might think that all the fossil finds that they have bought feature the same skeleton inside. All is not lost, here is how to determine which dinosaur is actually in each kit.
For models and replicas of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.
To determine which fossil find excavation kit you have, turn the box over and look at the back. In the bottom corner above the product’s bar code, the name of the dinosaur featured inside will be shown.
Turn the Kit over and Look at the Printing on the Back
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
We have highlighted in red where the dinosaur’s name is printed. All the kits have similar printing on the back of the box too, but the name of the dinosaur featured should be clearly displayed.
There is another way to check, if you look on the top of the box, illustrations of the four dinosaur skeletons in this series are shown. There should be a tick or mark in the circle next to the skeleton illustration to indicate which dinosaur is in the kit, although we at Everything Dinosaur recommend you check the printing on the back of the box as sometimes this “check mark” is difficult to make out.
The Top of the Box Should Provide Guidance as to Which Dinosaur is in Each Kit
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
In the picture above we have highlighted the “check mark” area to help customers find the information they are looking for.
To view the range of educational prehistoric animal themed skeleton kits available from Everything Dinosaur: Dinosaur Themed Toys and Gifts.
All the kits we supply in this fossil finds range are sent out with a dinosaur fact sheet which provides more information about the dinosaur the kit represents. Hopefully, this article will help our customers to sort out which fossil find kit is which and save any confusion when preparing a lesson plan for use in school or when getting ready for a dinosaur themed birthday party or some other event.
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