Everything Dinosaur Rolls Out Their New Website Homepage
Everything Dinosaur’s New Website Goes Live
Last night at exactly 7.50pm BST the new homepage design of Everything Dinosaur’s website went live. After extensive testing the newly designed Everything Dinosaur website with its improved layout was rolled out and already team members are reporting that a number of favourable comments about the new design have been received from site visitors and customers keen to purchase dinosaur toys.
Everything Dinosaur’s New Website Layout
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur
Working with those clever design people at Space 48, the website permits easier navigation through the company’s range of products – a good thing when there are hundreds and hundreds of dinosaur themed products in stock. Customers can see on the front page the new arrivals and what are the best sellers, plus the innovative headline banners permit team members to mark special events and offers. The company has plans to roll out banners to commemorate the arrival of new scale models, plus the birthdays of notable scientists, the European football championships and of course, the London Olympics.
A spokes person for Everything Dinosaur commented:
“We were keen to respond to the feedback and comments that had been received as we strive to continually improve. We wanted to respond to the suggestions and ideas and visitors to the site can now see that, thanks to the input from our customers the Everything Dinosaur has been improved.”
The new web page layout is just one of a number of developments the enthusiastic team at Everything Dinosaur have in mind over the next few months, with the roll out of more product videos, increased social media activity and a number of public engagements teaching about dinosaurs.
To view Everything Dinosaur’s website: Visit Everything Dinosaur.
The spokesperson went on to add:
“We remain committed to the very high levels of service our customers have come to expect from us and we are all looking forward to getting involved in more dinosaur themed projects this year than ever before”.
It seems that websites also have to evolve to survive and thanks to the enthusiastic staff at Everything Dinosaur, backed by the expertise of the design professionals at Space 48 it looks like here’s one website that is not going to become extinct.