The New Papo Styracosaurus Replica
Papo, that famous model and figure manufacturer based in France has launched the first of its two new dinosaur models this year. The new interpretation of Styracosaurus measures over sixteen centimetres long and depicts this horned dinosaur from the Campanian faunal stage of North America in colourful salmon pink. It is a super Papo dinosaur model.
The Papo Styracosaurus Dinosaur Model
Picture credit: Papo/Everything Dinosaur
To view the Papo “Les Dinosaures” model range: Papo Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animal Models.
Of the nineteen prehistoric animal models currently marketed by Papo, three are members of the Ceratopsidae family, Styracosaurus joins Triceratops and Pachyrhinosaurus. Indeed, if you consider the Marginocephalia (the Suborder to which the Ceratopsidae belong), there are four models in the current Papo range that are classified as members of the Marginocephalia – the fourth Papo dinosaurs model being the Pachycephalosaurus replica.
The Papo Styracosaurus Dinosaur Model

The Papo red Styracosaurus dinosaur model (right lateral view). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
All of the Papo horned dinosaur figures sold by Everything Dinosaur including the Papo Styracosaurus model will be sent out with a free dinosaur fact sheet researched and written by Everything Dinosaur team members.
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