First Frog of 2011
First Frog Sited in Office Pond
A little bit of excitement around the office today, a colleague has spotted a large frog in the pond next to our office building. We have restored this pond and watched over the years to see how many frogs it attracts in the spring. Last year we recorded ten and we had a record amount of frog spawn.
The bad weather over the Christmas period was a concern, we wondered how many of that year’s hatchlings had survived, but at least it is reassuring to see a frog in the pond this early in the year. Hopefully, the weather will stay mild and for the frogs and the other creatures that we have observed in and around our office (we saw a fox the other day), the worst of the winter is over.
We are going to organise a clean up of the area around the pond over the weekend. Some of our team members will be in the office on Saturday and Sunday and if they get some free time, they have agreed to give the pond some attention, remove any surface leaves trim the dead plants around the margins and so forth.
I suppose this is giving our pond a spring clean.