New Prehistoric Animal Models means New Fact Sheets
The next few days are going to be busy for the dinosaur experts at Everything Dinosaur. For every named prehistoric animal we supply; we research, write and produce a fact sheet on that creature. Our library of fact sheets is already quite extensive, everything from trilobites to pterosaurs, unfortunately, with new model releases imminent our team are having to add to our free prehistoric animal fact sheet collection.
Everything Dinosaur Fact Sheets
Over the next few days, fact sheets on several prehistoric animals will have to be completed – Kelenken (Terror Bird), Jobaria (sauropod), Camptosaurus and Majungatholus to name just a handful of the animals that require their own data sheet.
Everything Dinosaur Fact Sheets

A collection of dinosaur and prehistoric animal fact sheets researched and written by Everything Dinosaur team members.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Each fact sheet provides information on fossil finds, research into the genera or individual species and a scale drawing so the size of the creature can be seen. There is something like 120 fact sheets on our database at the moment, with another dozen or so to add once they have been checked and approved by our specialists.
For the majority of the named prehistoric animal models and figures that we supply a fact sheet featuring that animal will be included with purchases.
To view the huge range of dinosaur and prehistoric animal models available from Everything Dinosaur: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.
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