Time to Feel Good About Ouselves – Feedback from Customers
Feedback from Everything Dinosaur Customers
With the season of goodwill towards all men definitely upon us, the team members at Everything Dinosaur have been sorting through all the many hundreds of letters and feedback forms sent in by customers over the last few months. We work very hard to ensure that all our customers get tip-top service from us, and the feedback forms, letters and emails we receive reflect the way in which we genuinely try to help.
Feedback from Everything Dinosaur Customers
A short blog today, as we out of the office but here are some of the comments from Everything Dinosaur customers that we have received over the last few weeks.
“Very impressed with the customer service and turnaround time. Delivered to Ireland in under a week” – Janet (Ireland)
“Thank you for including the fact sheets on prehistoric animals, an unexpected and helpful bonus” – Elizabeth (Glos)
“Magnifique” – Jean (France)
“Thank you for the very quick and prompt delivery” – Sally (Isle of Man)
“Lots of really good stuff for my autistic grandson” – Sheila (Nottinghamshire)
“Great range of models and I really appreciated the customer service” – Carl (New York)
Thank you to all our customers, to the teachers that we have helped, to the schools that we have visited and to all those nice people who have given us feedback on our performance.
Thank you.
Everything Dinosaur
To view the extensive range of dinosaur and prehistoric animal themed gifts and toys available from Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Visit Everything Dinosaur.