A Picture of the Head of Megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon)
We get lots of young palaeontologists asking us about the fearsome prehistoric fish known as Megalodon (C. megalodon)*, so team members at Everything Dinosaur have created a picture of the “business end” of this ferocious marine predator. We also receive lots of emails about the availability of a Megalodon shark model.
A Close up of the Jaws of the Giant Shark (C. megalodon)
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Megalodon Shark Model
Scientists estimate that his shark may have reached lengths in excess of sixteen metres. Fossils of its triangular shaped teeth have been found in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Americas. A few Megalodon shark models have been made. For example, PNSO a Chinese manufacturer currently have two Megalodon shark models within their product range.
To view the PNSO range of prehistoric animal models and figures: PNSO Dinosaur Museum Models and Figures.
Please note – following a taxonomic revision of shark fossil material this animal has been reclassified as Otodus megalodon.
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