Wonderful Customer Feedback Forms Sent to Everything Dinosaur
Customer Feedback Forms
We are still very fortunate to get an early morning post at Everything Dinosaur. It normally arrives around 8am and we have had the same postman for a number of years. Often one of the team members meets him as he is getting out of his van in the yard.
As we are a very unusual company we get some very unusual items of post, this morning was no exception we received some bills (boo!), a cast of a Sabre-toothed at canine (the big tooth at the front of the upper jaw), a letter from the Post Office themselves, junk mail (do we really want more buildings insurance?) and some more customer feedback forms.
For all our UK dispatches we include a customer feedback form and a FREEPOST envelope. The form consists of a single sheet of A4 paper with some multiple choice questions and rating scales so customers can tell us what they think of our service.
We get about 80% of our forms back which is a very high percentage. Receiving a form confirms that the customer has received their parcel, this means that we can update the status of the order to “delivered”. Customers are notified automatically if we change the status of their order, so if for some reason they have not received the parcel they can notify us and we can investigate.
On the feedback forms there is a section that permits customers to send us in any suggestions, comments and ideas that they might have. This is very important to us as the feedback helps us improve our customer service and permits us to develop new services and source new products to meet customer needs.
To contact Everything Dinosaur: Contact Everything Dinosaur.
Customer Feedback Forms
Each morning we have a ritual. The kettle goes on (we do take turns to make the tea, but I end up doing it more than most), and then we sit down and review that day’s feedback forms. We scrutinise each one and then we divide them up between us and respond in person to all those that require a reply. I think this personal touch is appreciated, we certainly welcome customer comments and suggestions and we have had some lovely things said about our service.
In the warehouse, we have a cork notice board and this is where we pin up some of the forms, letters and drawings we receive.
With rising mail costs and the cost of printing the forms and the Reply Paid envelopes this service is not exactly cheap, but the feedback and comments we receive from our customers is greatly appreciated and helps to improve the way we do business.
Visit Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Everything Dinosaur.