New Eofauna T. rex Model is Reviewed
Our thanks to dinosaur model fan William who supplied a review of the Eofauna T. rex model. William has been collecting prehistoric animals for quite a while and he explained that this figure had been two years in development, but it was well worth the wait. He commented that it was wonderful to have an accurate sculpt of “Sue”, otherwise known as FMNH PR 2081.
The review began by focusing on the head of the figure. The head is described as “fantastic” with glorious textured lips and inquisitive eyes. It was explained that Eofauna were thinking outside the box when they devised this figure and created a novel fixture for the articulated jaw. The seam is obvious on the figure, but the reviewer hoped that this approach to articulation had been patented.

The Eofauna T. rex dinosaur model in the Everything Dinosaur photography studio. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
To view the Eofauna Scientific Research model range: Eofauna Scientific Research Models.
The Eofauna T. rex Main Body
The trunk of the figure is described as being accurate and the muscular tail is praised. The figure has a declared scale of 1:35. The tiny arms and hands ending in their two digits with claws are highlighted as being particularly well done. William commented that the powerful hind limbs had been crafted with skill. He also highlighted the textured pads on the underside of the feet.
When describing the chosen colour scheme for the figure, William exclaimed:
“The colour and texture of the figure are a banquet for the eyes. The model may have been inspired by the Mexican beaded lizard’s colouration. It has superbly sculpted skin integument from the lips to the tip of the tail.”
In concluding his review, William explained that the figure comes in a sealed plastic bag, and it is supplied with an informative picture trading card.
This is the first Eofauna figure to be supplied with a display base. The reviewer highlighted the Eofauna T. rex model base and stated that it should prevent toppling issues.
The reviewer congratulated Eofauna Scientific Research and added:
“We all now own the most accurate, scientific Tyrannosaurus rex figure to exist.”
To read Everything Dinosaur’s blog post about this new T. rex figure: Eofauna “Sue” is Coming into Stock.
Thank You Everything Dinosaur
The final part of the Eofauna T. rex model review was reserved for the Everything Dinosaur team members. William thanked Mike and Sue for providing dinosaur fans and model collectors with assistance. During these uncertain times, even through the pandemic team members were available to provide advice and support. The company’s commitment to sourcing leading brands and obtaining new stock was praised.
In summarising the range of models offered and the variety of product prices, William stated:
“It is a very good price range for children up to the adult collector who either wants the latest Beasts of the Mesozoic Yutyrannus huali figure to the latest releases from PNSO”.
William added that purchasing from Everything Dinosaur was safe and secure and that the company offered excellent customer service. He thanked the company for their kindness and consideration.
Our thanks to William for his kind words and for his Eofauna T. rex model review.
The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Models.