Everything Dinosaur team members treated themselves to a visit to a local garage kit show yesterday. The event was held at the Canalside Conference Centre in our home town. Some exhibitors and collectors had visited our offices and warehouse late last week. It was an ideal opportunity for them to pick up one or two prehistoric animal figures to go with their own monster models.
We were able to visit and to meet some of the extremely talented model makers and exhibitors. There were amazing models on display including many figures inspired by monsters from movies and science fiction. There were some excellent dinosaur dioramas on display too.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Monster Models
The model displays were amazing. There were all sorts of dioramas to admire, from tributes to Ray Harryhausen to military figures and Hammer Horror ghouls. Monster models including Godzilla, Medusa and many figures from the Warhammer franchise were on display. It was difficult to decide which diorama was our favourite.
We were asked lots of questions about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. We passed on some information about recent dinosaur fossil discoveries and new research.
For prehistoric animal figures including dinosaurs: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models and Figures.
Recommending CollectA Figures
We were able to talk to the very friendly model collectors and enthusiasts about their hobby and we provided advice on which, inexpensive models to purchase to use in dioramas and prehistoric landscapes. One of the ranges we recommended was the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Prehistoric Life model range.
To view the range of CollectA prehistoric life models available from Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Prehistoric Life Models and Figures.
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