The frogspawn season is underway.  It is pleasing to note that there are lots of Common frogs (Rana temporaria) in the office pond.  We have counted six batches of frogspawn as of yesterday afternoon.  At least two pairs are in amplexus. Amplexus describes a form of mating behaviour exhibited by some animals that externally fertilise eggs. It is common in amphibians. The male straddles the female and grasps her with his front legs. The male Common frog develops pads on its forelimbs which help to secure the male to the female. The male has to hold on tight as numerous other males will try and dislodge them.  A pair of frogs can remain in amplexus for several hours.

Common frogs (Rana temporaria) active in the office pond.

Several frogs (Rana temporaria) in the office pond. Six batches of frogspawn have been laid to date. At least two pairs are in amplexus, so perhaps more eggs will be laid over the next 24-hours or so. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Team members from Everything Dinosaur wanted to take some photographs.  However, they did not want to disturb the frogs.

Mike commented:

“We found a pair of frogs in amplexus close to the pond.  We carefully moved them and placed them in the water.  We have tried to keep out of the way and not disturb the frogs.  Hopefully, we will have more frogspawn soon. However, I doubt whether we will end up with as many batches as we did last year.  In 2024, we recorded thirteen batches of frogspawn.”

The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.