All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.
20 04, 2022

Branching Feathers and Melanosomes Identified in Pterosaur Fossil

By |2024-12-30T08:05:02+00:00April 20th, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles|0 Comments

A remarkably well-preserved cranial crest from a pterosaur has provided more evidence that pterosaurs were feathered. Furthermore, analysis of the Tupandactylus specimen (MCT.R.1884), indicates that their bodies were covered with different types of feathers, including branching feathers. The researchers report the presence of different shaped melanosomes associated with the skin and the flying reptile’s feathers. This suggests that pterosaur feathers were not just for thermoregulation, that colouration could be manipulated genetically.

In simple terms, pterosaur feathers probably played a role in visual communication and therefore, visual signalling.

New evidence of branched feathers in pterosaurs.

New evidence of branched feathers in discovered in a Tupandactylus specimen suggests that feathers originated in the avemetatarsalian ancestor of pterosaurs and dinosaurs in the Early Triassic. Picture credit: Bob Nicholls.

Picture credit: Bob Nicholls

Perhaps feathers evolved independently in the Theropoda and Pterosauria (convergent evolution), if this is not the case, then integumentary coverings originated in the avemetatarsalian ancestor of the pterosaurs and dinosaurs.

Marvellous Melanosomes

Writing in the academic journal “Nature”, the researchers that include University College Cork palaeontologists Dr Aude Cincotta, Professor Maria McNamara and Dr Pascal Godefroit from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, conclude that pterosaurs were able to control the colour of their feathers using melanin pigments.

A partial cranium from a Tupandactylus imperator preserved on five limestone slabs from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation (Brazil), estimated to be around 115 million years old, was analysed in detail. The scientists discovered that the bottom of the spectacular head crest had a rim of fuzzy feathers, with short wiry hair-like feathers and fluffy branched feathers.

Different types of feathers in pterosaur fossil

Details of the cranial crest of a new specimen of Tupandactylus cf. imperator (MCT.R.1884) from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation, Brazil. Incomplete skull showing soft crest preserved (a). Details of the intgumentary structures associated with the back of the skull (b-f). Monofilaments (b), branched feathers (c) and in close view (d). A straight branched feather (e) with close view (f). The white arrow in (e) highlights the basal calamus (hollow base of the feather that attaches to the skin). Scanning Electron Microscope images (g-i) of melanosomes in MCT.R.1884. Scale bars, 50 mm (a); 5 mm (b); 2 mm (c); 250 μm (d–f); 2 μm (g–i). Picture credit: Cincotta et al.

Picture credit: Cincotta et al

Pterosaur Feather Controversies

Several papers have been published examining integumentary coverings in members of the Pterosauria. It had been established (Yang et al 2018), that flying reptiles had feathery, branched feathers: Are the Feathers About to Fly in the Pterosauria? However, the debate regarding integumentary coverings in pterosaurs is not without controversy.

In 2020, a paper was published that challenged these findings casting doubt on the idea that pterosaurs had an integumentary covering of insulating protofeathers: Naked Pterosaurs – No Feathers Here (Unwin and Martill).

Scanning Electron Microscopes

Soft tissue samples from the cranial crest, simple feathers (monofilaments) and the branching feathers were taken and subjected to scanning electron microscopy. All the samples were found to contain abundant oval-shaped or elongate structures that were interpreted to represent melanosomes. Unexpectedly, the new study shows that the melanosomes in different feather types have different shapes.

Commenting on the significance of this discovery, co-author of the paper, Professor McNamara stated:

“In birds today, feather colour is strongly linked to melanosome shape. Since the pterosaur feather types had different melanosome shapes, these animals must have had the genetic machinery to control the colours of their feathers. This feature is essential for colour patterning and shows that colouration was a critical feature of even the very earliest feathers”.

Tupandactylus illustration.

A scale drawing of the tapejarid pterosaur Tupandactylus imperator. A new study suggests that flying reptiles had a variety of feathers and that the presence of different shaped melanosomes in different types of feathers indicates that they possessed the genetic machinery to control the colours of their feathers. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

For models and replicas of pterosaurs and other prehistoric animals: PNSO Museum Quality Prehistoric Animal Models.

Feathers Use in Visual Signalling has Deep Evolutionary Origins

The Pterosauria and the Dinosauria are members of the Avemetatarsalia, a branch of the Archosauria that includes all archosaurs more closely related to birds than to crocodilians. However, the lineage that led to the flying reptiles diverged from the dinosaurs millions of years before birds and feathered dinosaurs evolved. This study also suggests that the function of feathers in visual communication has deep evolutionary origins.

Fossil Repatriated to Brazil

It is also pleasing to note, that thanks to the efforts of the research team, the authorities and other collaborators, this amazing pterosaur fossil that had been in private ownership has been repatriated to Brazil.

Dr Pascal Godefroit (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences), explained:

“It is so important that scientifically important fossils such as this are returned to their countries of origin and safely conserved for posterity. These fossils can then be made available to scientists for further study and can inspire future generations of scientists through public exhibitions that celebrate our natural heritage”.

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a press release from the University College Cork in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “Pterosaur melanosomes support signalling functions for early feathers” by Aude Cincotta, Michaël Nicolaï, Hebert Bruno Nascimento Campos, Maria McNamara, Liliana D’Alba, Matthew D. Shawkey, Edio-Ernst Kischlat, Johan Yans, Robert Carleer, François Escuillié and Pascal Godefroit published in the journal Nature.

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s website: Everything Dinosaur.

19 04, 2022

An Innovative Palaeontology Board Game

By |2023-06-06T10:36:08+01:00April 19th, 2022|Dinosaur Fans, Key Stage 3/4, Main Page|0 Comments

At Everything Dinosaur, we are always amazed by the variety of prehistoric animal themed products that are available to fans of prehistoric life. Take for example, a new board game in development that has been inspired by palaeontology. We were contacted by Brett, one of the developers of “Holotype”, a fast-paced, worker placement game designed for 2-5 participants. Players get the chance to role play the life and work of a vertebrate palaeontologist.

Holotype board game.
“Holotype” an American designed board game for 2-5 players. Picture credit: Brexwerx Games.

A Kickstarter Project

This innovative, light-strategy board game has its own kickstarter funding page and the project has already received hundreds of backers.

Brett very kindly provided more details to Everything Dinosaur, commenting that the object of the game was to further the field of palaeontology by collecting specimens, undertaking research and getting findings published in scientific journals. “Holotype” focuses on the major fossil formations and prehistoric animals associated with North America, but other regional variations of this game, such as a version exploring the prehistoric animals of Europe, have been proposed.

The board game Holotype contents
The contents of the North American board game “Holotype”. Picture credit: Brexwerx Games.

Throughout the gameplay, players deploy their palaeontologist, graduate student and field assistant workers to perform various actions. Players can search for fossils by rolling fossil dice on field expeditions, conduct research at the university library and access museum collections to exchange fossils and to further their ambitions.

A Palaeontology Board Game – “Holotype”

By making discoveries and expanding scientific knowledge, players ultimately aim to have their research on holotypes published in prestigious scientific journals. Victory points are awarded as the player’s career in palaeontology advances.

As the game progresses, special milestones are unlocked to make each player’s gameplay unique. Semi-collaborative global objectives and private personal objectives ensure that every game will be different.

With a playing time estimated at around 1-2 hours, the winner is the person who has gained the most points through their research which resulted in published holotypes and the achievement of personal and global objectives.

The media release sent to Everything Dinosaur states:

“The goal of the developers was to create a game that would appeal to avid board gamers and palaeontology fans alike. The game features 60 unique dinosaurs and marine reptiles from the Mesozoic Era across North America, fossil-bearing geologic formations, and objectives referencing modern palaeontology concepts such as cladistics and taxonomy.”

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Everything Dinosaur.

18 04, 2022

New Nanmu Studio Models Feature in Everything Dinosaur Newsletter

By |2024-12-30T06:43:31+00:00April 18th, 2022|Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Everything Dinosaur Newsletters, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products, Press Releases|0 Comments

Nanmu Studio Jurassic Series prehistoric animal models feature in the latest customer newsletter despatched by Everything Dinosaur. The newsletter included details of seven, newly arrived Nanmu Studio models including the marine reptile “Lord of the Abyss”, Brachiosaurus, the sick Triceratops replica and the Calypso/Santiago Baryonyx figures. The beautiful fallen Triceratops model was given top billing.

Nanmu Studio sick Triceratops dinosaur model in the Everything Dinosaur newsletter

Sick Triceratops given top billing in the latest Everything Dinosaur customer newsletter. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Nanmu Studio Sick Triceratops

The Nanmu Studio sick Triceratops dinosaur model features a fallen Triceratops on a stunning display base. Everything Dinosaur had stocked other Nanmu Studio Triceratops figures in 2021, but this is the first time that this particular horned dinosaur figure has come into stock at the UK-based mail order company.

The Nanmu Studio Jurassic Series sick Triceratops (Heavy Lance) is a 1:35 scale replica.

Nanmu Studio Brachiosaurus models feature in customer newsletter

The two Nanmu Studio Brachiosaurus dinosaur models feature in the latest Everything Dinosaur newsletter. Watchman grey (left) and Watchman brown (right). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Brachiosaurus Comes into View

The Everything Dinosaur customer newsletter also features the recently arrived Brachiosaurus figures (Watchman Brachiosaurus). Two colour variants are offered, a grey and a brown version. These sauropod models are huge measuring over forty-two centimetres high.

Baryonyx models from Nanmu Studio feature in an Everything Dinosaur newsletter.

The two standing Nanmu Studio standing Baryonyx models (Santiago and Calypso) feature in the latest Everything Dinosaur newsletter. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Figures.

Nanmu Studio Jurassic Series Baryonyx Dinosaur Models

A shipment of Nanmu Studio figures arrived last week at Everything Dinosaur’s warehouse. As well as more stock of models already sold by the company, the shipment also contained a quantity of Baryonyx figures (Santiago and Calypso standing Baryonyx models). The shipment also contained the resting Santiago Baryonyx model and the Nanmu Studio Jurassic Series “Lord of the Abyss” Mosasaurus replica.

Two Nanmu Studio models feature in an Everything Dinosaur customer newsletter.

The Lord of the Abyss mosasaur model (left) and the Nanmu Studio Jurassic Series resting Baryonyx (Santiago). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of Nanmu Studio Jurassic Series prehistoric animal models and figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Nanmu Studio Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.

The Everything Dinosaur newsletter is emailed to subscribers. It is a free newsletter containing information on new products, competitions, product updates and so forth. To request to be added to our database, simply send Everything Dinosaur an email: Send an Email to Everything Dinosaur.

17 04, 2022

Early Cambrian Origin for the Bryozoa According to New Study

By |2024-12-30T06:35:27+00:00April 17th, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

Bryozoans, also referred to as the Polyzoa, are an ancient phylum of tiny aquatic invertebrate animals that mostly live in colonies. Normally marine, but some species do live in freshwater, they have a protective exoskeleton made from calcium carbonate. They have a special feeding appendage called a lophophore, which resembles a crown of tentacles used for filter feeding.

Bryozoan fossils are abundant and geographically widespread and the presence of six major orders of bryozoans in Lower Ordovician strata strongly indicated that these organisms evolved during the Cambrian, however, fossil evidence was lacking. Late last year (2021), a team of researchers published a paper in the academic journal “Nature” describing a new genus of soft-bodied bryozoan from the Early Cambrian of Australia and southern China. Named Protomelission gatehousei, its fossils confirm a Cambrian origin for these important aquatic organisms.

Bryozoan fossil from the Early Cambrian.

Protomelission gatehousei from the Cambrian Wirrealpa Limestone, South Australia. Picture credit: Zhang et al.

Picture credit: Zhang et al

A Basal Member of the Bryozoa

The researchers from Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia), the Northwest University (Xi’an, China), the London Natural History Museum, the University of Missouri, the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology (Nanjing, China) as well as the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Stockholm, Sweden), describe this new genus as a basal member of the order.

The discovery of a stem bryozoan from rocks dating from the Cambrian narrows the origination gap that previously existed between the known fossil record and independent molecular clock estimates. The researchers state that this fossil discovery pushes back the fossil record of the Bryozoa by approximately thirty-five million years.

Protomelission gatehousei confirms that the colonial body plan of the Bryozoa originated in the Early Cambrian. It also reconciles the fossil record with molecular clock estimations of an Early Cambrian origination and subsequent Ordovician radiation of Bryozoa following the acquisition of a carbonate skeleton.

Bryozoan fossil from the Ordovician.

Fossils of a branching bryozoan colony from the Ordovician. The presence of six major orders of bryozoans in lower Ordovician rocks strongly suggests a Cambrian origin for the largest and most diverse lophophorate phylum but the fossil evidence had been lacking. A newly published paper describes Protomelission gatehousei from the Early Cambrian of Australia and southern China and confirms a Cambrian origin for these important aquatic organisms.

Whilst the Cambrian and Ordovician forms are extinct, modern bryozoans are an important constituent of modern-day marine fauna.

The scientific paper: “Fossil evidence unveils an early Cambrian origin for Bryozoa” by Zhiliang Zhang, Zhifei Zhang, Junye Ma, Paul D. Taylor, Luke C. Strotz, Sarah M. Jacquet, Christian B. Skovsted, Feiyang Chen, Jian Han and Glenn A. Brock published in Nature.

16 04, 2022

A Juvenile Diamantinasaurus – Australia’s Smallest Sauropod Found to Date

By |2023-07-04T07:21:38+01:00April 16th, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

A scientific paper has just been published describing the fossilised remains of a juvenile titanosaur from the Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia. The specimen has been assigned to the Diamantinasaurus taxon (D. matildae) and it represents the smallest sauropod described from fossils found in Australia to date.

Reconstructed skeleton of the juvenile Diamantinasaurus (D. matildae) compared to a human skeleton.
A model of the reconstructed skeleton of the juvenile Diamantinasaurus (D. matildae) compared to a human skeleton. The young dinosaur is estimated to have weighed around 4.2 Tonnes. Picture credit: Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum.

About Ten Percent of the Skeleton Recovered

The fossils were discovered on Elderslie Station land which lies some 35 miles northwest of the town of Winton (Queensland). Landowners noticed fragments of a femur and dorsal ribs exposed on the surface (2012). Staff from the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum along with volunteers excavated the site and found the remainder of the fossil material representing about 10% of the total skeleton about a metre below the surface.

The postcranial material consists of cervical ribs, three incomplete dorsal vertebrae, sacral vertebrae and limb bones.

Views of the juvenile Diamantinasaurus fossils (AODF 663) a right humerus and right manual ungual with accompanying digital models.
Views of the juvenile Diamantinasaurus fossils (AODF 663) a right humerus and right manual ungual with accompanying digital models. Right humerus photographs in A, dorsal, B, anterior, C, ventral, D, medial, E, posterior, F, lateral views. Right humerus digital models in G, dorsal, H, anterior, I, ventral, J, medial, K, posterior, L, lateral views. The right manual ungual in M, proximal, N, dorsal, O, anterior, P, ventral, Q, posterior views. Right manual ungual digital models in R, proximal, S, dorsal, T, anterior, U, ventral, and V, posterior views. Note scale bar for humerus equals 10 cm and for the manual ungual 5 cm. Picture credit: Rigby et al.

A Young Titanosaur from the Late Cretaceous

Although age estimates for the Winton Formation vary, it has been informally divided into lower and upper members, with the Diamantinasaurus material coming from the “upper” portion which is regarded as Cenomanian to potentially the lowermost Turonian stages of the Late Cretaceous (approximately 95-89 million years ago).

The study of the juvenile titanosaur was led by Museum Research Associate Samantha Rigby who is undertaking a Master of Science (Research) at Swinburne University of Technology (Victoria, Australia), under the supervision of Dr Stephen Poropat who was one of the co-authors of the scientific paper published in the Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology. Each bone from the specimen was scanned to create three-dimensional models to digitally compare them with other sauropod remains.

This comparison suggests the small specimen belongs to the Diamantinasaurus taxon though with juvenile characteristics, vertebrae which are unfused, minimal muscle scarring on the bones, smooth bone texture and marked proportional bone size differences when compared to adult titanosaur material.

Diamantinasaurus dorsal vertebrae and digital models.
Diamantinasaurus juvenile dorsal vertebrae with digital models. Dorsal vertebra photographs in A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior views. Dorsal vertebra digital models in F, dorsal, G, right lateral, H, anterior, I, left lateral, J, posterior views. Note scale bar equals 10 cm. Picture credit: Rigby et al.

Allometric Growth

The fossil specimen (AODF 663) nicknamed “Oliver” is only the third specimen to be referred to the taxon Diamantinasaurus matildae. D. matildae was formally named and described in 2009: A Trio of New Dinosaurs from Down Under. The research team found that the bones of this small titanosaur grew allometrically, meaning that its bones changed shape and different parts of its body grew at different rates.

The limb bones are also narrower in width when compared to other Diamantinasaurus limb bones from older individuals. This suggests that as this titanosaur grew its limb bones became thicker and more robust to help support its enormous bulk.

A Juvenile Diamantinasaurus

Fossils of juvenile titanosaurs are rare and it is hoped that “Oliver” will provide important insights into the ontogeny of titanosaurs.

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “A juvenile Diamantinasaurus matildae (Dinosauria: Titanosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia, with implications for sauropod ontogeny” by Samantha L. Rigby, Stephen F. Poropat, Philip D. Mannion, Adele H. Pentland, Trish Sloan, Steven J. Rumbold, Carlin B. Webster and David A. Elliott published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

15 04, 2022

Juvenile Gorgosaurus Skulls Shed Light on Tyrannosaurid Growth Patterns

By |2024-12-29T22:41:08+00:00April 15th, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|1 Comment

Researchers have described two beautifully preserved skulls of juvenile Gorgosaurus dinosaurs (G. libratus). The articulated specimens have enabled the scientists to build up a comprehensive picture of how these tyrannosaurids changed as they grew. Gorgosaurus and the much bigger, later tyrannosaurid T. rex exhibit similar changes in their skulls as they grow. This study will help palaeontologists to decipher tyrannosaur material and to determine the identity of previously misidentified specimens. It should also provide more evidence to help resolve the Nanotyrannus/T. rex debate.

Lateral views of juvenile Gorgosaurus skulls.

Skulls of the two new juvenile Gorgosaurus libratus specimens in lateral view. A, TMP 2009.12.14; B, TMP 2016.14.1. Note scale bar equals 10 cm. Picture credit: Voris et al.

Picture credit: Voris et al

Gorgosaurus libratus

Named and described in 1914 (Lambe), Gorgosaurus is known from dozens of fossil specimens found in the upper Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta and Judith River Formation of Montana. It is one of the best sampled and researched of all the Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurs, but juvenile material is rare. The recent discovery of additional juvenile Gorgosaurus libratus specimens from the Dinosaur Park Formation, including two well-preserved skeletons with articulated skulls, provided researchers which include Jared Voris and Darla Zelenitsky (University of Calgary), along with collaborators from the University of Ohio, the University of Alberta and the Royal Tyrrell Museum, an opportunity to develop a map outlining how this dinosaur changed as it grew and matured.

Juvenile and adult Gorgosaurus skulls compared.

Illustrations of juvenile (left) and adult (right) skulls of Gorgosaurus in lateral (top) and dorsal views (bottom). Arrows and numbers indicate ontogenetically invariant autapomorphies of Albertosaurinae and Gorgosaurus as per emended diagnosis. Juvenile illustration based on TMP 2016.14.1 (lateral) and TMP 2009.12.14 (dorsal), adult illustration based on UALVP 10. Picture credit: Voris et al.

Picture credit: Voris et al

Sorting out Daspletosaurus Specimens

The research team, which also included Professor Phil Currie (University of Alberta), found that although the skulls of tyrannosaurs changed dramatically as they grew, several taxonomically informative traits remain present regardless of the age of the animal. This means that palaeontologists can use this information to determine which taxon is represented by juvenile fossil material.

Thanks to this research, two specimens previously identified as examples of immature Daspletosaurus individuals (coeval with Gorgosaurus) are instead confirmed as Gorgosaurus.

Gorgosaurus dentaries compared

Left dentaries in lateral view of A, small juvenile (TMP 1994.12.155); B, juvenile (TMP 2016.14.1); C, subadult (TMP 1991.36.500); D, young adult (ROM 1247); and E, adult (TMP 1967.9.164) specimens of Gorgosaurus libratus. Note the development of the autapomorphic dorsoventral expansion in the posterior region of the bone through ontogeny. Scale bar equals 10 cm. Picture credit: Voris et al.

Picture credit: Voris et al

Comparisons with Tyrannosaurus rex

The team also found that both Gorgosaurus and T. rex underwent similar anatomical changes over their lifespans, but at different times. The changes started later in Tyrannosaurus rex and occurred over a longer time interval, resulting in a larger size and longer lifespan for T. rex when compared to Gorgosaurus.

Comparing the growth stages of Gorgosaurus libratus and T. rex.

Comparison of the growth series of Gorgosaurus libratus (top) and Tyrannosaurus rex (bottom), demonstrating similar ontogenetic stages (and morphologies) occurring at similar relative size (percent of largest specimen skull length) but different body sizes and biological ages. Picture credit: Voris et al.

Picture credit: Voris et al

Implications for Nanotyrannus

Having identified a series of anatomical traits that can be relied upon to permit palaeontologists to confidently assign juvenile tyrannosaur skull fossils to a specific taxon, this allows some specimens considered small or “dwarf” forms such as Nanotyrannus (N. lancensis) to be revisited. Some of these specimens may have been misidentified, since key characteristics may not have developed in young individuals before death, but this new data set would allow closer scrutiny of the fossil material.

PNSO Nanotyrannus dinosaur model.

The new for 2021 PNSO Nanotyrannus dinosaur model.

The picture (above) shows a model of a Nanotyrannus by PNSO.

To view the range of PNSO prehistoric animal figures in stock: PNSO Prehistoric Animal Models.

The scientific paper: “Two exceptionally preserved juvenile specimens of Gorgosaurus libratus (Tyrannosauridae, Albertosaurinae) provide new insight into the timing of ontogenetic changes in tyrannosaurids” by Jared T. Voris, Darla K. Zelenitsky, François Therrien, Ryan C. Ridgely, Philip J. Currie and Lawrence M. Witmer published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys.

14 04, 2022

An Important Update – Assessment Reports “Minor” Damage to Mill Canyon Track Site

By |2024-12-29T18:33:31+00:00April 14th, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

An assessment of the Mill Canyon dinosaur track site north of Moab in Grand County, Utah by Bureau of Land Management regional palaeontologist Brent Breithaupt confirms that damage was caused to the Early Cretaceous tracks and trace fossils by a construction crew, but the damage is described as “minor”.

Dinosaur trackway.

Trace fossils (dinosaur footprints) preserved at Moab (Utah). Picture credit: Bureau of Land Management.

Picture credit: Bureau of Land Management

Essential Repairs and Maintenance at an Important Fossil Site

The site, which covers approximately 2.3 acres contains over 200 tracks and other trace fossils recording activity around a body of water at an Early Cretaceous lake (approximately 112 million years ago). A construction crew had been employed to undertake repairs and improvements to the site including the replacement of boardwalks. Members of the public became aware of the maintenance work and reported possible damage to the fossils caused by the construction crew.

Everything Dinosaur published a blog article on reports of the damage caused by Bureau of Land Management contractors: Dinosaur Tracksite Damaged and having had concerns raised about damage to the site, it was decided to conduct an assessment of the area in order to find the best way to protect the fossils whilst still permitting public access.

This Damage to the Track Site Should Not Have Occurred

The assessment concluded that the overall damage was minor. Even so, Brent Breithaupt wrote in the report that:

“This damage should not have occurred”.

The regional palaeontologist added, that if the project had not been stopped:

“It is likely that much greater damage would have occurred with increased construction activities”.

As the Bureau of Land Management failed to consult palaeontologists on the maintenance plans, crews did not know which areas of the site to avoid. The incident was described in the report as “unfortunate” and the damage “could have been avoided”.

Mill Canyon tracksite.

At least six different dinosaur tracks have been deciphered at Moab (Utah). Picture credit: Bureau of Land Management.

After the report was released, the Bureau of Land Management has confirmed that an additional environmental assessment would be undertaken, the public would be consulted and palaeontologists involved in future work at the location to supervise activities. The Bureau of Land Management reported that it “remains committed to protecting plant and animal fossils on our public lands”.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys.

13 04, 2022

Beautiful CollectA Scale Models

By |2024-12-29T18:13:06+00:00April 13th, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products, Press Releases|0 Comments

It is true that many dinosaur model suppliers have struggled to obtain stock. Factories have struggled with production issues and problems with global logistics have caused difficulties with both the sourcing of raw materials as well as the distribution of finished products.

Everything Dinosaur has been able to maintain stocks of CollectA replicas including many of the scale models of dinosaurs such as the CollectA Deluxe Iguanodon and the awesome CollectA Deluxe Mapusaurus.

CollectA Deluxe Mapusaurus and the CollectA Deluxe Iguanodon

The CollectA 1:40 scale Iguanodon and Mapusaurus dinosaur models.

A spokesperson from the UK-based mail order company stated that whilst trading conditions were difficult the team at CollectA had worked diligently to continue production and to develop new figures and models.

The spokesperson went onto add:

“Sourcing prehistoric animal models and figures has been extremely challenging over the last twelve months or so. We do not anticipate issues easing for at least another nine months, perhaps longer. However, we at Everything Dinosaur have been able to source figures and whilst some lines are currently out of stock, we do expect stock deliveries in the next few weeks to replenish our inventory.”

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.

CollectA Deluxe Iguanodon and Mapusaurus

The CollectA1:40 deluxe Iguanodon model and the CollectA 1:40 deluxe Mapusaurus were both introduced in 2018 and they have proved to be very popular amongst model collectors and fans of dinosaurs. Despite the difficult global trading conditions, Everything Dinosaur has been able to maintain a stock of a wide range of CollectA scale model figures, including pterosaurs, prehistoric fish, prehistoric mammals and of course, dinosaurs. CollectA has continued production and put in place sensible business plans to help them accommodate the difficult global trading situation.

CollectA Deluxe 1:40 scale Mapusaurus dinosaur model.

CollectA Deluxe Mapusaurus dinosaur model.

The introduction of the CollectA 1:40 scale Iguanodon replica in 2018 was particularly significant as it graphically demonstrated how our perceptions regarding this large Cretaceous ornithopod had changed. The CollectA Iguanodon figure helped to convey how the scientific description of Iguanodon has radically altered since it was formally named and described as a genus back in 1825.

Iguanodon - changing scientific interpretations.

The changing body plan of Iguanodon. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of CollectA Deluxe models and figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life Models.

12 04, 2022

Ichthyosaurs Had Blubber According to a New Study

By |2024-12-29T18:06:04+00:00April 12th, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

Researchers from the Smithsonian Institute (Washington), the University of Oslo and the Ludwig Maximilian Universität (Munich), have published a paper that describes two ichthyosaur specimens from the famous Upper Jurassic Solnhofen deposits of southern Germany. The fossils, an almost complete Aegirosaurus (JME-SOS-08369) and a tail (JME-SOS183), reveal extensive soft tissue preservation, analysis of which indicates the presence of blubber in these marine reptiles.

Late Jurassic Aegirosaurus sp. (Solnhofen)

Late Jurassic Aegirosaurus sp. (JME-SOS-08369) shown in (A) in normal light and (B) composite picture in UV light indicating location of further close-up images included in the scientific paper. Interpretative drawing (C). Note scale bar equals 20 cm. Picture credit: Delsett et al.

Picture credit: Delsett et al

These amazing fossil specimens representing marine reptiles that lived around 150 million years ago will help scientists to better understand how soft tissue can be preserved in the carcases of vertebrates deposited on the seafloor.

For models and replicas of ichthyosaurs and other prehistoric animals: Ichthyosaurs and Prehistoric Animal Models (CollectA).


Aegirosaurus is a genus of ichthyosaur within the Ophthalmosauridae family. Its fossils are associated with the Upper Jurassic limestone deposits of Solnhofen in southern Germany. These deposits are famous for their vertebrate fossils, although ichthyosaur material is rare. Fossils ascribed to this genus have also been found in Lower Cretaceous strata in south-eastern France (Fischer et al, 2011). This discovery suggests that most Late Jurassic ichthyosaurs came through the end Jurassic extinction and continued to thrive in the Early Cretaceous.

Aegirosaurus was an active, nektonic pursuit predator, probably feeding on small fish and squid.

Ophthalomosaurid model

A replica of Ophthalomosaurus, an ichthyosaur similar in body shape to Aegirosaurus.  Picture credit: DPA.

Picture credit: DPA

Evidence for Blubber

The nearly complete ichthyosaur skeleton (JME-SOS-08369) was excavated in 2009, whereas the second specimen involved in this study (the tail), was originally found in 1926, but not formally described. No genus has been assigned to the tail specimen, although the researchers confidently assign it to the Ophthalmosauridae.

Ichthyosaur tail fossil.

The Late Jurassic ichthyosaur tail (specimen number JME-SOS2183) shown in (A) regular light, under ultraviolet light (B) with an interpretative line drawing (C). Note scale bar equals 10 cm. Picture credit: Delsett et al.

Picture credit: Delsett et al

Soft tissue samples were analysed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. The analyses confirm the presence of the phosphate mineral apatite, with phosphate most likely derived from the body itself. In addition, a yellow-coloured, amorphous substance was identified, the researchers postulate that this substance represents decomposed blubber.

Aegirosaurus fossil skull with interpretative line drawing.

Skull from Late Jurassic Aegirosaurus sp. (JME-SOS-08369) with (A) interpretative drawing and (B) photograph. Note scale bar equals 5 cm. Picture credit: Delsett et al.

Picture credit: Delsett et al

Identifying Adipocere

The researchers conclude that the detailed analysis of the yellowish, amorphous substance indicates that it is adipocere. This is late-stage post-mortem decomposing fatty acids produced by microorganisms under low oxygen conditions. As adipocere is a typical breakdown product of animal blubber, it is postulated that these ichthyosaurs had blubber to help insulate them, just as many extant marine mammals do. The paper does not address any endothermic implications for this conclusion.

Understanding Ichthyosaur Taphonomy

The two ichthyosaur specimens with their extensive soft tissue preservation will help scientists to interpret the taphonomy (how fossils are preserved) of Solnhofen Archipelago vertebrates. Future research will focus on microscopical and geochemical analysis of different parts of the specimens that have the potential to reveal more information about tissue types.

In addition, the beautifully preserved fossils hold the potential for investigations into the locomotion of ophthalmosaurids, helping scientists to better understand how these marine reptiles moved through the water.

The scientific paper: “The soft tissue and skeletal anatomy of two Late Jurassic ichthyosaur specimens from the Solnhofen archipelago” by Lene L. Delsett​, Henrik Friis, Martina Kölbl-Ebert and Jørn H. Hurum published in PeerJ.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Prehistoric Animal Figures.

11 04, 2022

Taking Care of a Tenontosaurus

By |2024-12-29T17:44:21+00:00April 11th, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Product Reviews|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur continues to set the benchmark for customer service as the UK-based mail order company has clocked up over five hundred five-star customer reviews on Feefo. Everything Dinosaur has once again, been bestowed the accolade of Feefo’s Platinum Service Award, the highest award provided by Feefo.

The Trusted Service Awards recognise companies who go above and beyond to provide the very best customer experience. Feefo have provided Platinum Trusted Service awards to businesses who have achieved Gold standard for three consecutive years. To receive a Gold Trusted Service award, businesses must have collected at least fifty reviews with a Feefo service rating of between 4.5 and 4.9 over a year. Everything Dinosaur has logged ten times this amount and now has over five hundred reviews on Feefo.

Feefo 2022 Awards.

Everything Dinosaur wins the Platinum Service Award.

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Everything Dinosaur.

Wonderful! Good Range, Good Prices, Good Service

It is our attention to detail that sets us apart from other suppliers of prehistoric animal models and figures. Take for example, a recently published review concerning the supply of a CollectA Tenontosaurus model.

The reviewer, Lisa, awarded Everything Dinosaur five-stars when she was emailed by Feefo asking for feedback on her recent purchase.

Lisa commented:

“Wonderful! Good range, good prices, good service. Bought a Tenontosaurus for dinosaur obsessed child’s 10th birthday. Lovely model, arrived really quickly, nicely wrapped with bubble wrap to protect its neck. Will buy from them again.”

CollectA Tenontosaurus model.

The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Tenontosaurus model.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur thanked Lisa for her review and stated:

“We are grateful for all the reviews and feedback we receive. Team members read them all and we are delighted to have been able to continue to maintain our high standards of customer service in what have been challenging trading circumstances.”

To see the CollectA Tenontosaurus dinosaur model and the rest of the prehistoric animal figures in this extensive model range: The CollectA Prehistoric Life Range.

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