Teasing About a New Spinosaurus Figure
A few days ago, team members at Everything Dinosaur teased their Facebook and Instagram followers with a stunning illustration of the huge theropod dinosaur Spinosaurus. The artwork is supplied with the W-Dragon Spinosaurus (S. aegyptiacus) replica. Team members challenged followers and fans on social media to see if they could correctly identify the illustration.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Clever Collectors
Our well-informed customers, dinosaur model fans and clever collectors were able to identify the Spinosaurus artwork. We are going to have to set some sterner challenges if we are to stump our fans and followers on social media.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“We have a very knowledgeable and discerning customer base and we like to set the occasional challenge to test how much they know about the models that we sell. Team members have been very impressed with the level of knowledge that has been demonstrated. We might have to set some harder challenges in the future.”
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
W-Dragon Spinosaurus Model
The W-Dragon Spinosaurus arrived in stock at Everything Dinosaur at the beginning of 2021. A special production run had been commissioned by Everything Dinosaur in response to requests from customers.

To view the W-Dragon Spinosaurus and the rest of the models in the excellent W-Dragon range: W-Dragon Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.