Dino Hazard Irritator challengeri Test Results
The test report commissioned by Everything Dinosaur into the Dino Hazard Irritator challengeri dinosaur model has been received. Before a dinosaur model can be legally sold, an importer such as Everything Dinosaur has to ensure that it meets defined safety standards.
Team members have produced a short video and posted it up on the company’s YouTube channel explaining why product safety tests are conducted and revealing the result of the report by Eurofins into the Dino Hazard Irritator challengeri 1:20 scale figure.
The Importance of Product Safety
Product safety is very important. Customer safety is paramount and if Everything Dinosaur is going to bring a new model into stock, it is vital to make sure that it is safe and fit for purpose. Indeed, as a company that sources products from all over the world, we are obliged under international law to undertake certain actions to ensure that what we purchase and intend to “place on the market” is safe.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.
As such, when offered the opportunity to bring in the Dino Hazard Irritator challengeri figure, one of the first things we must do is to establish what product safety tests, if any, have been undertaken. Hence our decision to get a sample sent into us and to ask the independent testing company Eurofins to conduct tests under the General Product Safety Directive.
Test Results
The Regulatory Manager at Eurofins responsible for the tests concluded:
“I am of the opinion that the product was reasonably safe under normal conditions of use and is fit for its intended purpose”
In order for this dinosaur model to receive a favourable report, Everything Dinosaur team members had to make changes to the product packaging, the labelling and the customer information that is provided with this figure. As far as we are aware, no other product safety tests have been carried out and as such, Everything Dinosaur is the only company to have commissioned tests and taken sensible steps to modify the product offering to help it to get a favourable report from an independent testing company.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Successful Negotiations
After concluding successful negotiations with the manufacturer the Irritator challengeri 1:20 scale dinosaur model is expected in stock at Everything Dinosaur in the late summer of 2021.
To enquire about the Dino Hazard range or to reserve an Irritator dinosaur model: Email Everything Dinosaur.
To visit Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.