First New for 2021 CollectA Models in Stock

By |2024-05-25T14:09:23+01:00April 17th, 2021|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products, Press Releases|0 Comments

The first of the new for 2021 CollectA prehistoric animal models are in stock at Everything Dinosaur. Team members have been busy contacting all those customers who wanted to be emailed when these figures came into stock.

New for 2021 CollectA dinosaur models
The first five new for 2021 CollectA prehistoric animal models are in stock at Everything Dinosaur. The new for 2021 figures are the Neovenator scenting prey (top left), CollectA Deluxe Mamenchisaurus in 1:100 scale (top right), the Age of Dinosaurs Popular range Kamuysaurus (middle) and the Megalosaurus in ambush (bottom left) and the Brontosaurus prey (bottom right).  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Figures and Models.

Mamenchisaurus (CollectA Deluxe)

By far the largest figure, in fact the biggest dinosaur model that CollectA will introduce this year is the Mamenchisaurus. It measures around 40 cm in length and that well-proportioned and detailed head stands some 24 cm high. CollectA state that this figure is in approximately 1:100 scale, so the figure represents a specimen around 40 metres long. This suggests that when creating this replica, the design team at CollectA had in mind one of the larger species known from this genus such as Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum.

CollectA Deluxe Mamenchisaurus dinosaur model.
CollectA Deluxe Mamenchisaurus a 1:100 scale replica of an Asian sauropod.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur praised CollectA for adding a model of this sauropod to their model range.

Brontosaurus Prey

CollectA know what fans of dinosaurs like to see, lots of gore and blood and the new for 2021 CollectA Brontosaurus prey does not disappoint. It has been beautifully sculpted and depicts a deceased sauropod that is in the process of being consumed by a large theropod dinosaur, perhaps a member of the allosaur family. This would be appropriate as last year, CollectA introduced a model of an Allosaurus roaring.

New for 2021 the CollectA Brontosaurus prey.
The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Brontosaurus prey model. The wounds inflicted on the Brontosaurus reflect attack and feeding strategies that have been postulated for large theropod dinosaurs.
CollectA "Roaring" Allosaurus model.
The CollectA “Roaring” Allosaurus dinosaur model. This figure would make an ideal partner for the recently introduced CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range Brontosaurus prey.

Kamuysaurus japonicus

Formally named and described in 2019, Kamuysaurus continues the CollectA trend to include dinosaurs known from Japan in their product portfolio. Although known only from a single specimen, the fossils found represent a considerable proportion of the skeleton and as a result Kamuysaurus has been confidently assigned to the Edmontosaurini tribe.

CollectA Kamusaurus dinosaur model.
The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Kamuysaurus model. A replica of a hadrosaurid from the Late Cretaceous of Japan.

Two British Dinosaurs

The other two models that have just arrived in stock are the Megalosaurus in ambush figure and the Neovenator scenting prey. Both these dinosaurs are associated with Britain, although Megalosaurus has become a bit of a taxonomic waste basket over the last 200 years or so since this dinosaur was scientifically described.

CollectA Megalosaurus in ambush dinosaur model.
The new for 2021 CollectA Megalosaurus in ambush dinosaur model. Available from Everything Dinosaur.
CollectA Neovenator scenting prey dinosaur model.
The new for 2021 CollectA Neovenator scenting prey dinosaur model.

Replacing Earlier CollectA Models

The new for 2021 Megalosaurus and the new Neovenator figures replace earlier sculpts in the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range that were introduced around ten years ago. The models have been updated to more accurately represent the known skeletal material and the dinosaurs have been given lips to reflect the current debate about this amongst palaeontologists.

To view the CollectA Deluxe Mamenchisaurus and the other CollectA Deluxe prehistoric animal models: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animals and Dinosaurs.

To view the other new for 2021 CollectA figures: CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range.