A Unique Triceratops Drawing

By |2024-05-18T21:48:05+01:00February 2nd, 2021|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Drawings, Educational Activities, Main Page|0 Comments

Triceratops Drawing

Our thanks to the talented artist Caldey who sent to Everything Dinosaur a drawing of one of her favourite Cretaceous dinosaurs – Triceratops (T. horridus).  We think that Caldey was inspired by the Beasts of the Mesozoic Triceratops (sub-adult) articulated model that was recently introduced.  Our thanks to Caldey for sending in her Triceratops illustration.

A Drawing of the Late Cretaceous Horned Dinosaur Triceratops (Illustration by Caldey)

An illustration of Triceratops produced by Caldey.

The beautiful Triceratops illustration produced by young artist Caldey.

Picture credit: Caldey

For comparison, here is a picture of the Beasts of the Mesozoic Triceratops figure that we think helped to inspire young Caldey.

The Beasts of the Mesozoic Triceratops horridus Articulated Dinosaur Model (Sub-adult Version)

 Beasts of the Mesozoic sub-adult Triceratops articulated model.

The Beasts of the Mesozoic sub-adult Triceratops articulated model.  Team members at Everything Dinosaur think that this model was the inspiration behind Caldey’s Triceratops drawing.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“Our thanks to Caldey for sending into us a beautiful drawing of a Triceratops.  We receive lots of illustrations and we enjoy looking at them all.  With so many amazing prehistoric animal figures and replicas around these days young artists can use these figures to help inspire their own creative efforts.”

The Beasts of the Mesozoic Triceratops (T. horridus) figure that inspired this young artist is just one of nine articulated ceratopsian figures currently in this range.  There will be more horned dinosaur models introduced in the near future (2021).  The Beasts of the Mesozoic Triceratops figure has already received several five-star customer reviews.

To purchase the Triceratops model, you can find it on this part of the Everything Dinosaur website: Beasts of the Mesozoic Models and Replicas.