All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.
23 03, 2020

Discovery of the Oldest Bilaterian – Ikaria wariootia

By |2024-01-20T09:56:28+00:00March 23rd, 2020|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Main Page, Palaeontological articles, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

Meet Your Oldest Ancestor – Ikaria wariootia 

A team of international scientists have identified the first ancestor of animals that show bilateral symmetry, in ancient marine sediment around 555 million years old.  Palaeontologists had predicted that such an organism would be identified in Ediacaran sediments, essentially a creature with a body plan that has been adopted by the majority of the Kingdom Animalia, now thanks to the use of sophisticated three-dimensional laser scans funded by NASA, the “smoking gun” evidence has been found.

A Life Reconstruction of the Earliest Bilaterian Known to Date (I. wariootia)

Ikaria wariootia the earliest known bilaterian.
Ikaria wariootia life reconstruction.

Picture credit: Sohail Wasif/University California Riverside

Ikaria wariootia – The Size of a Rice Grain but a Big Discovery!

Writing in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America”, the researchers, which included scientists from University California Riverside and the South Australian Museum, examined tiny trace fossils, essentially burrows and borings into an ancient Ediacaran seabed (Ediacara Member, South Australia).

Proximal to some of these traces were very small oval impressions.  Thanks to funding from a NASA exobiology grant, the team were able to employ a sophisticated three-dimensional laser scanner to map these depressions in the ancient rock.  Computer-generated images revealed a worm-like organism with a cylindrical body and faintly grooved musculature.  A distinct head and tail were also identified.  This little animal represents the earliest bilaterian, a hugely significant step in the evolution of life on Earth.

The transition from simple, microscopic forms of life to the abundance and variety of complex creatures in the Cambrian remains quite poorly understood.  However, the beautifully preserved remains of soft-bodied organisms, many of which look like nothing alive today, associated with the ancient strata of the Ediacara Hills of South Australia have permitted palaeontologists the opportunity to learn about life on our planet prior to the evolution of hard body parts such as shells and exoskeletons.

Bizarre Body Forms

Many of the creatures identified from their fossils had bizarre body forms such as the circular Dickinsonia (below), but scientists had predicted that animals with bilateral symmetry would be present in this ecosystem, it was just a question of finding them.

A Circular Impression of an Organism from the Ediacara Hills (South Australia) – Dickinsonia costata Fossil

Dickinsonia costata fossil.
The Ediacaran fossil Dickinsonia costata, specimen P40135 from the collections of the South Australia Museum.

Picture credit: Dr Alex Liu (Cambridge University)

The Development of Bilateral Symmetry

The development of bilateral symmetry was a critical step in the evolution of animal life, giving organisms the ability to move purposefully and a common, yet successful way to organise their bodies.  In the scientific paper, the research team describe Ikaria wariootia as ranging in size between 2 and 7 millimetres in length and being around 1 to 2.5 millimetres wide.   The largest specimens were about the size of a grain of rice, just the right size to have made the burrows and borings (trace fossils).

The discovery of Ikaria wariootia is consistent with predictions based on modern animal phylogenetics, that the last ancestor of all bilaterians was simple and small and represents a rare link between the Ediacaran and the subsequent record of animal life.  Put simply, I. wariootia is on the same part of the animal family tree as the majority of animals alive today and that includes us (Homo sapiens).

Ikaria wariootia Impressions Preserved in Ancient Marine Sediment

Ikaria wariootia impressions.
Ikaria wariootia impressions preserved in ancient marine sediments.

Picture credit: Droser Laboratory/University of California Riverside

Commenting on the significance of the discovery, one of the authors of the scientific paper, Scott Evans (University of California Riverside), stated:

“We thought these animals should have existed during this interval [Ediacaran], but always understood they would be difficult to recognise.  Once we had the 3-D scans, we knew that we had made an important discovery.”

Examining Ediacaran Trace Fossils

Analysis of modern animals and Ediacaran trace fossils predicted that the oldest bilaterians would be very small with simple body plans.  The research team found that the size and shape of Ikaria matched the predictions that had been made with regards to the maker of the trace fossil Helminthoidichnites, indicating sediment displacement and purposeful animal movement.

Importantly, in the Ediacara Member, Helminthoidichnites occurs stratigraphically below classic Ediacara body fossils such as Dickinsonia.  Together, these suggest that Ikaria represents one of the oldest total group bilaterians identified to date, with very little deviation from the characters and traits predicted for their last common ancestor.

In addition, these trace fossils persist into the Phanerozoic Eon (from the Cambrian Period onwards),  providing a critical link between the Ediacaran and Cambrian biota.

A Three-Dimensional Laser Image of a Scan of a Rock Depression Revealing the Body Plan of Ikaria wariootia

Three-dimensional laser scan of an Ikaria wariootia impression.
A three-dimensional laser scan of an Ikaria wariootia impression.

Picture credit: Droser Laboratory/University of California Riverside

What’s in a Name?

The genus name comes from Ikara, which means “meeting place” in the local Adnyamathanha dialect.  It is the Adnyamathanha term for a grouping of mountains known as Wilpena Pound.  The trivial name comes from Warioota Creek, which runs from the Flinders Ranges to Nilpena Station in the Ediacara Hills.  It may look a fairly simple animal to us, but back in the Ediacaran Ikaria was one of the most complex organisms around.  It burrowed in thin layers of well-oxygenated sand on the ocean floor in search of organic matter, indicating rudimentary sensory abilities.

The depth and curvature of Ikaria represent clearly distinct front and rear ends, supporting the directed movement found in the burrows.  The walls of the burrows preserve evidence of “v-shaped” ridges, which indicate that Ikaria moved by contracting muscles across its body like an earthworm.  This is known as peristaltic locomotion.

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the University of California Riverside in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “Discovery of the oldest bilaterian from the Ediacaran of South Australia” by Scott D. Evans, Ian V. Hughes, James G. Gehling and Mary L. Droser published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

22 03, 2020

We have Frogspawn in our Office Pond – Exciting News

By |2024-05-06T09:24:00+01:00March 22nd, 2020|Animal News Stories, Main Page, Photos|0 Comments

Frogspawn Laid on 19th March (2020)

These might be challenging times for us humans (Homo sapiens), what with all the concerns about the coronavirus outbreak, but at least for some animals it is business as usual.  We have frogspawn in our office pond!  The first eggs were laid in the early morning of the 19th March.  We normally have frogspawn around the third week of March in our part of the world, the date of laying can vary by a couple of weeks, depending on the weather and the type of winter we have had.  However, the spawning usually takes place around this time of year (third week of March).

Frogspawn is Spotted

The First Frogspawn Spotted in the Office Pond Early on the 19th March 2020

Frogspawn in the office pond at Everything Dinosaur (March 19th 2020).
The first batch of frogspawn laid in the office pond (March 19th 2020).  The photograph was taken a few minutes after 8am in the morning.  From the size of the frogspawn we think that these are the eggs from a single female and that they had only just been laid. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Common Frog (Rana temporaria)

We have counted a total of seven frogs in the pond, the majority were males.  We tend to have the males arriving first and the females taking up residence a little time later (after all, the females tend to be pounced upon as soon as they enter the pond).  The frogs are all Common frogs (Rana temporaria), their name is a bit of a misnomer these days, as like many amphibians, they are becoming increasingly rare.

More Frogspawn was Laid that Morning (March 19th 2020)

Frogspawn spotted in the office pond - March 19th 2020.
More frogspawn laid on the morning of 19th March 2020.  Team members at Everything Dinosaur estimate that the egg masses represent the eggs from two or three females.  We shall continue to carefully monitor the pond (taking care not to disturb the frogs too much), to see if more eggs will be laid. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

As we cope with the current restrictions on our lives due to the coronavirus crisis, we will be able to observe how the tadpoles are getting on – something for us to think about in these challenging times.  At least the frogs are behaving as normal, for them at least, it is business as usual.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

21 03, 2020

Popular Everything Dinosaur and Fossil Workshops Postponed

By |2024-01-20T08:05:12+00:00March 21st, 2020|Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Main Page, Press Releases|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur and Fossil Workshops Postponed

The planned dinosaur and fossil themed workshops that were scheduled to take place this weekend (Saturday, 21st March, 2020) have been postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.  These events had proved to be extremely popular but with the growing concern over coronavirus, staff at Rochdale Borough Council responsible for the “Dippy the Dinosaur” exhibition, have reluctantly decided to postpone these workshops along with all the other related exhibition events and activities.

Fossil Workshops Postponed

Everything Dinosaur Was Conducting a Series of Family Themed Workshops and Other Activities

Everything Dinosaur workshops cancelled for March 21st (2020).
Everything Dinosaur’s dinosaur and fossil themed workshops planned for the “Dippy on Tour” exhibition have been postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

For dinosaur themed toys and games: Prehistoric Animal Toys and Gifts.

A statement posted on the Borough Council’s “The Dippy Experience” website explains the reasoning behind the suspension of planned events related to the dinosaur exhibition:

“In light of the current situation we’ve taken the difficult decision to suspend Dippy in Rochdale.  The health and safety of our residents and visitors must come first and now is the time to take a pause.  We will review the possibility of reopening Dippy on Tour in Rochdale in the upcoming months.”

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“Families are at the centre of everything we do and this is particularly important during these challenging times.  We have been monitoring the situation very closely and we fully understand and support the decision taken.  The hands-on nature of our fossil handling activities would make operating the workshops extremely difficult given the current restrictions.  However, we have moth-balled all the various activities that we had planned and prepared, these will be stored at one of our warehouses, so that before “Dippy” leaves the northwest of England, we could deliver the workshops we promised.”

A Chance to Reschedule the Dinosaur and Fossil Workshops

A spokesperson from Rochdale Borough Council thanked the team members at Everything Dinosaur for their efforts so far and stated that the Council would love to welcome Everything Dinosaur back, rescheduling later on in the year.

We shall see how things go, but dates in our busy diaries can be switched around and changed over to accommodate the eager young palaeontologists of the northwest of England.

In the meantime, visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

20 03, 2020

Everything Dinosaur Continuing to Support Schools and Home Educators

By |2024-01-19T07:31:37+00:00March 20th, 2020|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Educational Activities, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Main Page, Press Releases, Teaching|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur Continuing to Support Schools and Home Educators

At this time of uncertainty due to the coronavirus outbreak, Everything Dinosaur team members want to let you know how we are responding to the recent announcement about school closures. Our hearts go out to all those affected globally by the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.  We are doing all we can to assist the education sector.  Everything Dinosaur is currently operating as normal and we intend to provide regular updates in what is a very fluid situation.  We are working very hard to limit the disruption to schools, nurseries and other academic bodies.

Everything Dinosaur Helpinig to Support the Education Sector

Everything Dinosaur has released the following statement:

Everything Dinosaur Team Members Helping to Support the Education Sector and Home Schooling

Everything Dinosaur supporting schools and home educators.
Team members working hard to support the educational sector and home schooling at this difficult time (coronavirus outbreak 2020). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The website links to gain access to our free teaching resources and other educational materials:

Information About Dinosaurs and Fossils

In addition, this blog site has posted up news stories, information about fossils, features about dinosaurs, evolution, natural selection, new theories and articles on other science related subject areas, every day since May 2007.  This is a resource that has over 4,750 articles, which are all free to access, helping to provide additional materials for teachers, teaching assistants, academics and home schoolers.

Furthermore, our hard-working and enthusiastic staff handle numerous email enquiries each day, providing advice, free prehistoric animal fact sheets and other resources.

Team members are working extremely hard to help support universities, colleges, nurseries, other academic bodies and home educators.  We continue to provide free of charge, a wide range of fossil and dinosaur themed teaching resources and learning materials.

19 03, 2020

Everything Dinosaur Continues to Offer Vital Support to Schools

By |2024-01-19T07:27:28+00:00March 19th, 2020|General Teaching|Comments Off on Everything Dinosaur Continues to Offer Vital Support to Schools

Everything Dinosaur Supports Schools and Home Educators

At Everything Dinosaur, the interests of our customers, our people and our communities are at the centre of everything we do and this is particularly important during these challenging times.  Our hearts go out to those affected globally by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.  We want to let you know that you remain our top priority and we are doing all we can to assist schools, universities, nurseries and home educators.

In the light of the recent announcement with regards to school closures, the UK-based mail order company has released the following statement:

Everything Dinosaur Helping to Support Education and Home Schooling

Everything Dinosaur supporting schools and home educators.
Everything Dinosaur team members working hard to support the educational sector and home schooling at this difficult time (coronavirus outbreak 2020). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

 Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The links to the free to use downloads:

Furthermore, our dedicated staff handle dozens of email enquiries every day, providing advice, free prehistoric animal fact sheets and other resources.

In China, there is a saying “may you live in interesting times”.  These are certainly “interesting times”.  The company is doing all it can to help support schools, other academic bodies and home educators.  We are currently operating as normal and will update you regularly with any changes.  We are all working together to help limit the disruption to our customers and to still provide our excellent award-winning service.

Everything Dinosaur is working extremely hard to help support schools, colleges, universities, nurseries, other academic bodies and home educators.  We continue to provide free of charge, a wide range of fossil and dinosaur themed teaching resources and learning materials.

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s website: Everything Dinosaur.

19 03, 2020

Amazing Canadian Fish Fossil Lends Palaeontologists a Helping Hand

By |2024-01-19T07:25:44+00:00March 19th, 2020|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Main Page, Photos/Pictures of Fossils|0 Comments

Fish Fossil Helps to Demonstrate How Fins Turned into Hands

A team of international scientists including researchers from Flinders University in Adelaide (South Australia) and the Université du Québec à Rimouski (Canada), have scanned the fossilised remains of an ancient fish with tetrapod tendencies to reveal evidence of how the limbs of fish evolved into the terrestrial appendages of land animals.

Elpistostege watsoni

The fossilised remains date from the Late Devonian and are approximately 380 million years old.  The fossil is a specimen of Elpistostege (E. watsoni), the discovery of a much more complete skeleton of this strange animal gave the researchers the opportunity to analyse the body plan of this predator in much greater detail than previously.

A Near Complete Specimen of Elpistostege watsoni with Accompanying Line Drawing

Elpistostege watsoni fossil with interpretive drawing and life reconstruction.
The near complete Elpistostege specimen with line drawing showing the outline of the skeleton and a life reconstruction.  The research was conducted on a fossil specimen that had been discovered in 2010.

Picture credit: South Australia Leads/Flinders University

Strategic Professor in Palaeontology (Finders University), Professor John Long, announced the discovery of the near complete fossil specimen in the journal “Nature”.  Commenting on the significance of the fossil find, he stated that the specimen “reveals extraordinary new information about the evolution of the vertebrate hand.”

High Energy X-Rays to Assess Fin Structure

The research team bombarded the fossil specimen with high energy X-rays to reveal the presence of limb and wrist bones hidden in the fins.  Evidence of finger-like bones could also be made out.

The Professor added:

“This is the first time that we have unequivocally discovered fingers locked in a fin with fin-rays in any known fish.  The articulating digits in the fin are like the finger bones found in the hands of most animals.  This finding pushes back the origin of digits in vertebrates to the fish level and tells us that the patterning for the vertebrate hand was first developed deep in evolution, just before fishes left the water.”

A Life Reconstruction of the Late Devonian Elpistostege

Elpistostege life reconstruction.
A life reconstruction of Elpistostege.

Picture credit: Miguasha National Park/Johanne Kerr and François Miville-Deschênes

Studying the “Limb Bones” of a Fish

The high resolution scans revealed the presence of a humerus (upper arm bone), the radius and ulna (the two bones from the forearm), carpal bones from the wrist and the presence of bones that resembled digits.  The fossil specimen measures 1.57 metres in length.  It comes from exposures of the Escuminac Formation located in the Canadian province of Quebec.

The strata represent a brackish water, estuarine environment and palaeontologists have long speculated that such a habitat may have been one of the driving forces behind the evolution of limbs capable of terrestrial locomotion in certain types of ancient fish.  The teeth in the broad jaw suggest that Elpistostege was an apex hypercarnivore, but whether it fed on other fish or ventured out onto land to grab insects and arthropods on the shore (as indicated by the position of the eyes at the top of the head suggesting an ambush predator), remains unknown.

Co-author of the scientific paper Richard Cloutier (Université du Québec à Rimouski), commented that over the last ten years or so, fossils representing the fish-to-tetrapod transition had helped palaeontologists to gain a better understanding about this important stage in vertebrate evolution.

He added:

“The origin of digits relates to developing the capability for the fish to support its weight in shallow water and for short trips out on land.  The increased number of small bones in the fin allows more planes of flexibility to spread out the weight through the fin.”

A Primitive Tetrapod

In previous studies, Dr Cloutier had postulated that Elpistostege might represent the most primitive tetrapod known to science, an accolade currently held by the closely related Tiktaalik, fossils of which come from northern Canada (Ellesmere Island).

Australian Professor John Long has dedicated much of his academic career to studying Devonian fish and the early stages of the evolution of the modern tetrapod body plan.

Here are some blog articles that provide more details of his research: The Early Evolutionary History of Sharks.

A Placoderm “Platypus”: Ancient Placoderm from Australia.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

18 03, 2020

Every Day Everything Dinosaur Will Give Away a Lucky Charm

By |2024-01-19T07:20:44+00:00March 18th, 2020|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Everything Dinosaur Products, Main Page, Press Releases|0 Comments

Golden Rat Lucky Charm Giveaway with Everything Dinosaur

Things might be a little difficult right now due to the coronavirus outbreak, but team members at Everything Dinosaur are determined to keep cheerful and are trying to spread a little joy and happiness in these challenging times.  Take for example, an initiative started this week to include a Mojo Fun golden rat lucky charm as a free gift to one Everything Dinosaur customer each day.

The Beautiful Mojo Fun Golden Rat Lucky Charm Key Ring

Mojo Fun lucky charm key ring - golden rat.
The beautiful Mojo Fun lucky charm rat key ring. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Everything Dinosaur Giving Away Mojo Fun Golden Rat Lucky Charms

In the Chinese lunar calendar, the year 2020 is the year of rat.  The rat in the Chinese zodiac is seen as a sign of surplus, good prospects and wealth.  The rat is strongly linked to the family in Chinese culture (a consequence of this rodent’s ability to breed rapidly), rats are seen as successful, adaptable but happy to lead a quiet, peaceful existence.

Each year for the past few years, Mojo Fun has produced a special, limited edition replica of the animal represented by the new Chinese year.  These figures are highly prized and difficult to obtain, but at Everything Dinosaur, we have decided to include one of these beautiful models in a parcel every day until our stock runs out.

Everything Dinosaur Giving Away Lucky Charms

Everything Dinosaur lucky charm giveaway.
Everything Dinosaur is giving away a golden rat lucky charm key ring to one customer every day until the stock runs out. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

A spokesperson from the UK mail order company commented:

“We had intended to give away these stunning little models once the new for 2020 Mojo Fun prehistoric animal models arrived, but due to the coronavirus outbreak, these models, like a lot of other items have been delayed.  So, we thought we would cheer everybody up by sending one of these special figures out to a customer every day for as long as our stocks last.  For us, it’s all about spreading a little happiness and joy at this difficult time.”

Take a Photograph – Share the Smile!

In addition, we are asking all those customers who receive a golden rat, to take a picture of their lucky charm next to their purchases from Everything Dinosaur.  If they email the picture to us, we will then post it up onto our social media pages so that we can share the joy a little.

Take a Photograph of Your Gift Next to the Items from Everything Dinosaur – Share the Smile

Everything Dinosaur giving away Mojo Fun golden rat key rings.
Everything Dinosaur giving away Mojo Fun golden rat lucky charms. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Be lucky! Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Our Website.

As a valued customer, we hope this gift brings a little happiness and we have asked recipients to take a picture of their gift alongside the prehistoric animals purchased from Everything Dinosaur.  If the photograph is then emailed to us, we will post the picture up onto our social media pages so that everyone can share in the fun.

To view the Mojo Fun range of prehistoric animal models and replicas available from Everything Dinosaur: Mojo Fun Prehistoric and Extinct Model Range.

17 03, 2020

New CollectA Deluxe Fukuisaurus 1:40 Scale (Turntable Tuesday)

By |2024-01-19T07:12:39+00:00March 17th, 2020|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Everything Dinosaur Products, Everything Dinosaur videos, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products|0 Comments

CollectA Deluxe Fukuisaurus 1:40 Scale (Turntable Tuesday)

As Everything Dinosaur team members get better acquainted with the video management software and other technical aspects of the company’s small studio, we have opted to try and produce at least one dinosaur or prehistoric animal themed YouTube video a week.  With the arrival of a small turntable, we decided to start showcasing various dinosaur figures by producing short (around one or two minutes long), videos.  In this brief YouTube video, we highlight the new for 2020 CollectA Deluxe 1:40 scale Fukuisaurus dinosaur model.

Turntable Tuesday – The CollectA Deluxe 1:40 Scale Fukuisaurus Dinosaur Model Takes a Spin

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

Fukuisaurus – A Japanese Dinosaur

The CollectA Fukuisaurus model follows hot on the heels of the CollectA Fukuiraptor figure that was introduced in 2019.  Both dinosaurs are associated with the famous Kitadani Formation of Fukui on the Japanese island of Honshu.  The ornithopod Fukuisaurus (which was named and described in 2003) and the theropod Fukuiraptor, which was formally scientifically described three years earlier, come from the same bonebed in the Kitadani Dinosaur Quarry (Bonebed I).  It has been speculated that Fukuiraptor preyed upon Fukuisaurus, but there is very little scientific evidence other than the proximity of the fossil material to support this supposition.

Two Models of Dinosaurs from the Lower Cretaceous of Japan

CollectA dinosaur models Fukuiraptor and Fukuisaurus.
The CollectA Fukuiraptor (top) and the CollectA Deluxe Fukuisaurus (bottom). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: The Everything Dinosaur Website.

CollectA Fukuisaurus and CollectA Fukuiraptor

Towards the end of this short video (it lasts a fraction over two minutes long), the CollectA Deluxe Fukuisaurus and the CollectA Fukuiraptor are shown together.  This permits dinosaur model fans and collectors to get a really good look at both figures.  Although the Fukuisaurus is part of the CollectA Deluxe range and it is in approximately 1:40 scale, as Fukuisaurus was a relatively small member of the hadrosaurid lineage, the actual dinosaur model is quite small.  Everything Dinosaur team members have measured the replica and it is approximately 14 cm long and stands around 5.5 cm high at the hips.

It is beautifully detailed and there is much to be admired in this CollectA figure (yes, we do point out in the video that this dinosaur model does have a cloaca).

A spokesperson for Everything Dinosaur commented:

“A lot of dinosaur model fans and collectors have asked us to make more videos about prehistoric animals, we are working hard to get up to speed and we do intend to produce another forty or so videos this year, including reviews of some of the new for 2020 CollectA models.”

The CollectA Deluxe Fukuisaurus 1:40 Scale Dinosaur Model

CollectA Deluxe 1:40 scale Fukuisaurus.
The new for 2020 CollectA Deluxe Fukuisaurus dinosaur model (1:40 scale). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

When will the CollectA Fukuisaurus be in Stock?

The first batch of the new for 2020 CollectA prehistoric animal models including the Fukuisaurus have been delayed (coronavirus).  As soon as Everything Dinosaur have news about these models, then it will be posted up onto this blog and onto the company’s social media pages.

In the meantime, to view the Fukuisaurus production sample video and all the other videos on the Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

To see the CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life range of models: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life.

17 03, 2020

Beautiful Prehistoric Animal Drawings Help to Inspire Young Artists

By |2024-01-17T15:22:05+00:00March 17th, 2020|General Teaching|Comments Off on Beautiful Prehistoric Animal Drawings Help to Inspire Young Artists

Prehistoric Animal Drawings Help to Inspire Young Artists

Everything Dinosaur team members have been asked to support the science outreach activities being organised by Rochdale Borough Council as the Natural History Museum’s “Dippy the Diplodocus” exhibition arrives in the northwest of England.  The Diplodocus exhibit, donated to the London Natural History Museum in 1905, is currently undergoing a nationwide tour.  Staff from Everything Dinosaur have been asked to put together a series of fun, fossil themed workshops in various parts of the northwest.

Prehistoric Animal Drawings

Whilst visiting a library, a team member spotted some very familiar prehistoric animal figures helping to promote a drawing competition aimed at eager, enthusiastic young palaeontologists.

Prehistoric Animal Model Help to Inspire Dinosaur Drawings

A drawing of Kelenken. Phorusrhacids illustrated. The "Terror Birds".
The Kelenken in all its glory Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The CollectA Kelenken (Prehistoric Animal Drawing)

A colourful drawing of large, flightless bird Kelenken is highlighted (above). In the library team members spotted a Liopleurodon (marine reptile), from the CollectA Prehistoric Life range of figures.  A model on the right of the Liopleurodon was a replica of an Iguanodon, also from the CollectA range.  Both these models represent long extinct creatures, fossils of which have been found in the British Isles.

View the CollectA Prehistoric Life model range: CollectA Prehistoric Life Figures.

CollectA also provide a selection of scale models. To view this range: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life Scale Models.

A team member from Everything Dinosaur, in a break between delivering dinosaur and fossil themed workshops commented:

“It has been great to meet so many young dinosaur fans.  The Diplodocus event has attracted over a hundred thousand visitors to the area.  This has provided a real boost to the local economy.  We have seen a number of the entries in the dinosaur drawing competition and we have been most impressed with the illustrations and artwork.”

The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

16 03, 2020

Coronavirus Fears Brings a Halt to Jurassic World Three

By |2024-01-19T07:07:05+00:00March 16th, 2020|Dinosaur Fans, Main Page, Movie Reviews and Movie News|0 Comments

Film Project Stopped as a Precaution

One of the consequences of the global coronavirus outbreak is that many film projects have been halted in their tracks.  It has been announced that filming on “Jurassic World: Dominion”, the third movie in the reprised “Jurassic Park/Jurassic World” film franchise has been postponed until further notice.  Everything Dinosaur understands that some filming had taken place in Canada and a set built at Pinewood Studios (London), but all filming has been stopped and a decision as to when production will start again will be taken in a few weeks.

Filming Halted on “Jurassic World: Dominion”

Mosasaurus poster.
The Mosasaurus poster from the film “Fallen Kingdom. However, filming of another movie in the franchise has been interrupted.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Filming Commenced on February 25th (2020)

Filming had started in Canada on February 25th (2020).  Director Colin Trevorrow confirmed this in a message on his Instagram account.  Over recent years, several science fiction/adventure films have been shot in Canada, dubbed “the Hollywood of the north” by some movie insiders.

Jurassic World 3 is just one of several major film and television projects that have had to be suspended due to the worldwide coronavirus outbreak.  The film was due to be released in the United States on June 11th 2021, with a release date in the UK of June 21st.  It is not known at this time, whether the postponements will result in a delay in the release in the film.

“Jurassic World” a Monster Hit!

When “Jurassic World” was released in June 2015, it become the first film in movie history to take more than $500 million USD in its opening weekend.  The film went onto gross a total of $1.6 billion USD in box office revenues across the world.  The second film in this trilogy “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom”, released in 2018, was nearly as successful.  Although the film received mixed reviews, it went onto gross $1.3 billion USD in box office receipts.  Analysts are expecting the third film, which is expected to be the final instalment, “Jurassic World: Dominion”, to continue the financial success story, after all, as a team member from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“People just love dinosaurs”.

“Jurassic World: Dominion” sees a number of the original actors and actresses in the “Jurassic Park” film of 1993 reprising their roles.  Steven Spielberg is expected to continue his role as executive producer.  Dinosaur fans and movie goers may have to wait just a little bit longer to see the final film.

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s website: Everything Dinosaur.

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