Everything Dinosaur – Far from Extinct
Dear Customers and Friends of Everything Dinosaur,
We are living in unprecedented times. The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has global implications, we would once again, like to convey our thoughts and sympathies to all those people who have been affected by this virus.
An Update from Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur would like to extend our well wishes to each and every one of our customers and friends. We want to pass on our thoughts and sympathies to all those people who have been affected by this outbreak. This is a very difficult time for all of us. We would like to briefly update you on the current situation at our company.
We are far from extinct! Whilst we are constantly reviewing advice received from the UK Government, the Chamber of Commerce and our Dept of Trade and Industry account manager, for the time being at least, our mail order business is operating as normal.
Business as Usual for Everything Dinosaur

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Customers Can Still Place Orders!
We are still operating! The plans we put in place weeks ago have put us in a reasonable position when it comes to our mail order business. Whilst we will always heed the advice of the Government and the Chamber of Commerce, we are still able to operate our mail order business. Customers can still place orders; we are still despatching and our customers are receiving their parcels.
We don’t have a crystal ball, but because we have lots of contacts in China and elsewhere in the world, team members at Everything Dinosaur quickly became aware of the potential implications if the disease spread outside of Hubei Province (China). Team members started to put plans in place back in January (2020), a rolling set of measures to support our staff, our customers, our suppliers and our local community.
Everything Dinosaur Putting Plans In Place to Manage in Difficult Times

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur Preparations and Plans
The United Kingdom and much of the world, may now be in lockdown. Everything Dinosaur began its preparations on a “just in case scenario” ten weeks ago.
These preparations included:
- Cutting back on the amount of teaching work undertaken to permit more management time dedicated towards the mail order business.
- Using stocks (purchased 2018 for outreach science programmes) of alcohol based hand sanitisers (some of which have already been donated to vulnerable members of the local community).
- Deliberately building up stock of dinosaur models, figures and other items and ensuring that these could be packed and despatched from homes if needed.
- Building up quantities of packaging supplies to help support the mail order operations.
- Implementing stringent cleanliness regimes and social distancing.
- Taking all essential steps to ensure the safety and protection of all Everything Dinosaur team members.
- Switching shipment delivery addresses to permit stock to remain accessible to Everything Dinosaur team members.
- Liaising closely with factories in order to put in place contingency plans to ensure continuity of stock.
- Suspension of all but essential travel, suspension of all face-to-face meetings.
- Postponement of outreach science programmes and dinosaur themed workshops.
In the last three weeks we have received a total of eighteen FEEFO reviews all of them rated Everything Dinosaur as a 5-star service provider.
We are still continuing to maintain the very highest levels of customer service.
Helping Out at Home
Lots of our customers have been in touch, with many of our customers having to stay at home, they have been looking for products and projects to help get them through these uncertain times. We are should not overlook the mental health of those persons advised to self-isolate. A hobby like dinosaur model collecting, model making, replica painting, building dioramas and so forth can play a significant part in helping with well-being. We are also aware of the large numbers of children currently at home.
Keeping Children Occupied – Dinosaurs for Creative, Imaginative Play
Picture credit: Schleich
To view the range of Schleich prehistoric animal models in stock: Schleich Prehistoric Animal Figures.
Free Resources, Downloads, Fact Sheets, Games and Teaching Materials
It has always been our philosophy to support teachers, teaching assistants and home educators. It is our belief that play is an essential part of childhood and the young people learn more whilst they are having fun. A new dinosaur is named and described every two weeks or so. There is always plenty to talk about when it comes to prehistoric animals. In the light of the current situation, our staff acknowledge that some of our customers have additional needs and we have rolled out a programme of extra support and assistance.
- Ensuring that everyone, not just schools have access to our free, educational downloads: General Teaching Resources.
- Reception, nursery and Early Years Foundation Stage (ages 3-6) dinosaur themed teaching resources to download: Early Years Downloads.
- Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (ages 6 to 12) dinosaur and fossil themed teaching resources to download: Key Stage 1 and 2 Downloads.
- Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 (ages 12 to 16) dinosaur and fossil themed teaching resources to download: Key Stage 3 and 4 Downloads.
- The Everything Dinosaur website, lots of helpful dinosaur themed toys and gifts: Everything Dinosaur.
- In addition, there is this blog site, with over 4, 750 articles and features about prehistoric animals and fossil discoveries.
- Over the last ten days, Everything Dinosaur has initiated a programme of sending out every day to a lucky customer a free Mojo Fun golden model.
- Support for our customers with additional needs have been rolled out including surprise free gifts, learning materials and free downloads.
- Sending out personalised projects and providing one-to-one support for parents of children/young people with an interest in fossils and dinosaurs.
- Supplying free puzzles, games, top trumps, crosswords as part of a programme to help support families in lockdown.
Supporting Families
Everything Dinosaur Has Launched a Programme of Supporting Families at Home

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur remains committed to doing all it can to help in the current difficult situation. For the time being, we are able to operate our mail order business with the minimum of disruption. Everything Dinosaur is far from extinct!
Keep well, stay safe!
For dinosaur and prehistoric animal models and figures: Prehistoric Animal and Dinosaur Figures.
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