Pachycephalosaurus with a Bump on its Head
Pachycephalosaurus with a Cranial Lesion
The recently introduced (2020), Wild Safari Prehistoric World Pachycephalosaurus dinosaur model is a highly detailed and scientifically accurate replica of a Late Cretaceous prehistoric animal. This dinosaur toy has been expertly sculpted to highlight distinctive traits and characteristics of a “bone-headed” dinosaur. The dome-headed skull with all its lumps and bumps has been skilfully recreated by the design team at Safari Ltd.
There’s even a scar on the skull showing the damage incurred as a result of a fight with another dinosaur.
Pachycephalosaurus Dinosaur Model
An Everything Dinosaur Team Member Points out the “Battle Damage” on the Skull of the Dinosaur Model

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
A Cranial Lesion
The models and figures that make up the Wild Safari Prehistoric World range by Safari Ltd are great for creative, imaginative play. The prehistoric animal models are thoroughly researched so that they are as accurate as possible. The Pachycephalosaurus figure has been intricately painted in a striking orange colour with the skull area coloured grey. It is an excellent figure, one that will encourage children to have fun and play whilst learning more about the lives of long extinct animals.
The Wild Safari Prehistoric World Pachycephalosaurus Dinosaur Model (Safari Ltd)

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“Safari Ltd have a substantial range of dinosaurs and prehistoric animal models in their portfolio. The design team try their very best to provide scientifically accurate figures and this Pachycephalosaurus with its battle damage is typical of this model range. Providing a dinosaur with a realistic dent in its skull (battle damage), helps children to appreciate that these models represent animals that lived in the past, animals that were just as active and complex as many animals that the children are familiar with that are alive today.”
To view the Safari Ltd Pachycephalosaurus and the rest of the models and figures in this range available from Everything Dinosaur: Wild Safari Prehistoric World Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals Models.