Dinosaur and Fossil Themed Extension Resources
Prior to starting a day of dinosaur workshops with Foundation Stage 2 children there was time to discuss the additional teaching resources that our dinosaur and fossil expert had brought with them. When Everything Dinosaur team members visit schools, they always bring extra teaching aids to help support the school’s scheme of work.
For dinosaur models and prehistoric animal figures: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.
Dinosaur Themed Teaching Resources for Schools

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Dinosaur and Fossil Themed Teaching Resources
Learning about dinosaurs is a great topic for Reception and Key Stage 1 children. Many pupils already have quite a lot of pre-knowledge and learning about life in the past has plenty of touch points for cross-curricular activities, linking with literacy, numeracy, history, geography, exploring the properties of materials and introducing the idea of working scientifically. The teaching resources we had prepared for the reception class included a dinosaur “hokey cokey”, a measuring exercise comparing the hands of the children to the footprints of dinosaurs and an exercise linked to exploring locations in the British Isles following the adventures of a baby Diplodocus.
Everything Dinosaur supplies numerous lesson plan ideas and teaching resources. These items are available free and can be downloaded from several websites.
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
We also supplied a handy pronunciation guide as we do appreciate that some teachers and learning support assistants can struggle with all the long dinosaur and prehistoric animal names. In addition, we also supplied some tridactyl (three-toed) dinosaur footprints that can be used in a simple writing exercise to help improve hand-eye co-ordination and motor skills.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“Learning about dinosaurs and fossils can provide a very rewarding and stimulating topic area, that dovetails nicely into a subject that many children are enthusiastic about. Children as young as three, seem to pick up facts and awareness about dinosaurs and they love to demonstrate their knowledge and learning.”
We look forward to seeing pictures of the children’s work including their dinosaur drawings with lots of lovely labelling, a challenge we set the children during our dinosaur and fossil themed workshops.