JurassicCollectables Reviews the Eofauna Steppe Mammoth
A Video Review of the Eofauna Steppe Mammoth
Those clever people at JurassicCollectables have produced a video review of the debut model in a new range from Eofauna Scientific Research. The video provides viewers with an up-close and detailed view of the superb Eofauna Steppe Mammoth replica. A model created from 3-D scans of Mammoth fossil material.
JurassicCollectables Reviews the Eofauna Scientific Research Steppe Mammoth
Video credit: JurassicCollectables
Mammuthus trogontherii
First described in 1885, the Steppe Mammoth (Mammuthus trogontherii), is thought to be one of the largest Mammoth species to have ever lived. Body mass estimates vary but some palaeontologists calculate that males of this species, which was a member of the Elephantidae family, could have weighed around fourteen tonnes, that’s heavier than seven Aston Martin DB9 sports cars. The narrator does not use this snippet of information, (it came up during an Everything Dinosaur product meeting about this new replica), but there is certainly of plenty of amazing information provided in this short (5:19) video review.
Available from Everything Dinosaur – the Eofauna Scientific Research Steppe Mammoth Replica
Steppe Mammoth Video Review
JurassicCollectables outline how the model was produced. This beautiful 1:40 scale replica is based on an almost complete Steppe Mammoth skeleton from northern China that was studied by Eofauna Scientific Research team members. The skeletal measurements were then scaled up to the largest individual specimen found to date, a more fragmentary specimen from Mosbach, in the north of Baden-Württemberg, (Germany).
For prehistoric animal themed gifts visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
The wonderfully detailed skull, shown in all its glory in this well-crafted video review, is based on a skull from Novosibirsk, Russia. A three-dimensional prototype was moulded and then printed out, muscles and skin were added, using extant elephants as the template. This is a scientifically accurate model and in the JurassicCollectables video review, the viewer is given plenty of opportunity to explore this model and to marvel at the scientific detail.
Everything Dinosaur’s Illustration of a Steppe Mammoth
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Sales Help Fund Scientific Research
The narrator comments that Eofauna Scientific Research is a non-profit organisation and that all revenues from sales of this figure are ploughed back into scientific study and the dissemination of knowledge. All the more reason to snap up this tusked-wonder and add it to your model collection.
To purchase the Eofauna Steppe Mammoth replica: Eofauna Scientific Research Models.
In the video, the Steppe Mammoth model is compared to a Papo Velociraptor and it is great to see JurassicCollectables regular “off-colour Alan” having a cameo appearance. The narrator provides some measurement details too, for a more complete assessment of the dimensions of the Eofauna figure, check out Everything Dinosaur’s earlier Steppe Mammoth article: Eofauna Steppe Mammoth scale and dimensions.
JurassicCollectables have developed a brilliant YouTube channel packed full of prehistoric animal model reviews and other entertaining and informative videos. They have just achieved 56, 000 subscribers, that’s an amazing achievement, our congratulations to the JurassicCollectables team.
Visit the YouTube channel of JurassicCollectables here: JurassicCollectables, Everything Dinosaur recommends that dinosaur model fans subscribe to the JurassicCollectables YouTube channel.