Everything Dinosaur Websites – All Upgraded to HTTPS
As part of our on-going commitment to customer service, every one of Everything Dinosaur’s websites have completed the upgrade to HTTPS status. This acronym stands for “Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure”, which means that the data sent between your browser and our website as you read this blog post is encrypted. By upgrading from HTTP to HTTPS, were helping to protect your data from any third party that might want to have this information. Although our blog site does not collect personal data, we welcome customer comments and feedback and, as a result, our visitors can be assured that Everything Dinosaur is taking their personal on-line security very seriously.
All Everything Dinosaur’s Websites Have HTTPS Security
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Transport Layer Security Protocols at Everything Dinosaur
Our TLS (Transport Layer Security protocols), are used to encrypt the transmitted information to secure identities and other personal information in cyberspace. As a general guideline, all websites should have a TLS or, as it is sometimes known, a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to ensure data integrity, effective encryption and to support website authentication. Even though this blog site (our dinosaurs for schools site as well), does not collect financial information or personal data of that nature, with the big search engines placing greater emphasis on security, we thought it would be best to convert all our sites to HTTPS, not just or main website: Everything Dinosaur.
Building Trust Helping to Avoid Nasty Surprises
When someone visits this blog site, our on-line shop, or any other part of our website, such as: Dinosaur Soft Toys they can be assured that they are visiting a secure site. A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“With the HTTPS configuration users can be assured that the website is secured and they can be confident exploring our huge web log, after all, just like the dinosaurs 66 million years ago, nobody likes nasty surprises!”
Everything Dinosaur’s Secure Websites Helps Avoid Nasty Surprises
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Benefits of HTTPS on Websites
Having upgraded to HTTPS is not going to protect the planet from extra-terrestrial impacts, however there are a number of benefits such as:
- Authentication – HTTPS ensures that users communicate with the intended website, it prevents data hijacking and “middle-man” attacks. When you communicate with us via our websites, be it by leaving comments, placing orders, or by other means, you can be assured that you are communicating with us.
- Encryption – Safe from unwanted eavesdroppers, when sending data via HTTPS, no-one can “listen in”, data cannot be tracked across multiple pages and information cannot be stolen.
- Integrity of data – Information cannot be changed, modified or corrupted during the transfer.
Everything Dinosaur’s Commercial Website Upgraded to HTTPS Some Time Ago
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Search engines in future may notify browsers that they are visiting a site without HTTPS, but you can always check by examining the websites address in the page tool bar.
For dinosaur and prehistoric animal figures: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.
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