Everything Dinosaur to Stock Eofauna Scientific Research Steppe Mammoth Model
Everything Dinosaur will be selling the Eofauna Scientific Research Steppe Mammoth replica. It is a museum quality replica of a prehistoric elephant that was an ancestor of the Woolly Mammoth. Everything Dinosaur has been granted exclusive access to this new figure for on-line sales for a British Isles-based company. Schools teaching about the Stone Age, evolution and natural selection can use this model to help support their teaching programmes.
The Eofauna Scientific Research Steppe Mammoth (Mammuthus trogontherii) Model
Picture credit: Eofauna Scientific Research
To view the Eofauna Scientific Research model range: The Eofauna Scientific Research Model Range.
Eofauna Scientific Research Steppe Mammoth Replica
Formed in 2012 and based in Spain, Eofauna Scientific Research is a team formed by researchers and scientists with an in-depth knowledge of prehistoric animals and life in the past. As specialists in vertebrate palaeontology, they share Everything Dinosaur’s aims of helping to educate and inform young people about the Earth sciences to encourage students to consider a scientific career. This new, beautifully detailed model will help teachers, educationalists, academics and museum education teams explain about the evolution of the mammoths and the impact of climate change on species, after all, the Steppe Mammoth (Mammuthus trogontherii), had to adapt to a changing world with the onset of climate change and its descendants, the Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), were iconic animals of the Ice Age.
A 1:40 Scale Model of a Prehistoric Elephant – Mammuthus trogontherii

The beautiful Eofauna Scientific Research Steppe Mammoth model. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Commenting About the Steppe Mammoth Replica
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“This is a great edition to any teaching or educational pack as this amazing detailed model will help educationalists to convey the evolutionary changes that took place as large terrestrial animals adapted to climate change. The Steppe Mammoth model can be used in comparative anatomy studies permitting students to see the differences between this genus, Woolly Mammoths and modern elephants. In addition, this replica and our fact sheet on this prehistoric animal can be used to help reinforce learning about natural selection, the impact of climate change and evolution.”
In Stock at Everything Dinosaur
This gorgeous Steppe Mammoth replica is due to be in stock at Everything Dinosaur next month (September 2017), just in time for the start of the academic year.
For further information about Everything Dinosaur’s teaching resources, free downloads, lesson plans and for information on the company’s work in schools and museums: Contact Everything Dinosaur Team Members.
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