St Thomas More School Study Dinosaurs
As part of Everything Dinosaur’s teaching work during the spring term, a team member visited St Thomas More school (Worcestershire). Team members were there to deliver a series of dinosaur and fossil themed workshops to the various classes. We set the children at the school a number of prehistoric animal themed challenges including fiction and non-fiction writing activities. In addition, we asked the pupils to have a go at designing their very own dinosaur. Sure enough, the enthusiastic, budding palaeontologists created a number of wonderful dinosaur drawings and, we are delighted to say, one of the teachers sent us a selection.
Prehistoric Animal Pictures Sent to Everything Dinosaur
Picture credit: St Thomas More Catholic First School
View Everything Dinosaur’s website: Everything Dinosaur.
March of the Dinosaurs – Helping to Develop Vocabulary
As part of our “design a dinosaur” challenge we asked the children to have a go at labelling the various body parts of their creature. This helps the children to gain confidence with writing and assists with the development of their vocabulary. We received some very impressive drawings, they have been pinned up onto one of the walls in our warehouse and they make a very colourful display. Dinosaurs and fossils as a term topic provides a very rich and diverse range of learning objectives for the teaching team and at Everything Dinosaur we support teachers by providing lots of free prehistoric animal themed resources to permit the role out of a teaching programme with lots of variety.
For dinosaur toys and games: Dinosaur Toys and Gifts.
Victoria’s “Vicosaurus” A Very Spiky Dinosaur
Picture credit: St Thomas More Catholic First School
Well done Victoria, we really appreciate the time and trouble you took over your dinosaur drawing.
A Very Colourful Prehistoric Animal Designed by Alex
Picture credit: St Thomas More Catholic First School
Dinosaur Themed Drawings
As with all the dinosaur themed drawings and letters we receive from school children, our team members look at every one and we really enjoy putting them up onto our warehouse wall. If the dinosaur designs we received from the children at St Thomas More Catholic First School are anything to go by, then there are some very talented artists currently studying fossils and dinosaurs in UK schools.
To enquire about a dinosaur workshop in your school: Contact Everything Dinosaur.