New Blog Covering Science Topics
A new open encyclopaedia project has started that covers the sciences. This new web blog that everyone can contribute to, covers subjects as diverse as biology, botany, geology, mineralogy palaeontology, cryptozoology and speculative evolution. There is even room for xenobiology (the manipulation of biological processes) and astrobiology (naturally evolved life in the universe) on this new site run by enthusiast Destin Bogart and his colleagues.
Providing a Platform for Informed Discussion
Picture credit: Destin Bogart
The Expeditioner’s Discovery Guild looks at the living world (real and imagined) and aims to provide a forum for like-minded individuals to express their views, publish articles and add to the discussion. Findings and hypotheses most welcome!
A Wide Range of Topics Covered
For the uninitiated, Destin provides a handy, brief explanation of the topic areas the blog intends to cover. Biology is the study of living things, botany is the study of plant life, whereas zoologists study animals. Geology covers the Earth and its processes, mineralogy is the study of crystals and minerals and readers of the Everything Dinosaur blog should need no introduction to palaeontology. At the Guild, the administrator wishes to encourage discussion on cryptids (unknown organisms), so cryptozoologists would concern themselves with beasts of myth or legend, the Yeti, or Scotland’s Loch Ness monster for example.
In Search of the Loch Ness Monster et al

The Elasmosaurus scale drawing commissioned by Everything Dinosaur as the company’s fact sheet is updated. In search of a plesiosaur like an Elasmosaurus in Loch Ness.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Astrobiology, xenobiology, and speculative evolution allow enthusiasts to gain a better understanding the mechanisms of natural selection and evolution as well as providing an entertaining look into what could share this universe with the 8.2 million species or so to be found on our own planet.
Commenting on the inclusion of some of the more “obscure” disciplines within this blogsphere, one of the administrators stated:
“Astrobiology is the search for extraterrestrial life, xenobiology is the study of extraterrestrial organisms, and speculative evolution basically takes an event, or situation in which evolution could take a different path. This blog will focus mainly on the solid sciences and will occasionally delve into these fictitious sciences to prove, disprove, and approve.”
“The Expeditioner’s Discovery Guild”
The team at the Expeditioner’s Discovery Guild will strive to publish only the most accurate and scientifically acceptable information and speculations. Over the time span of this project, readers will learn through videos, presentations, talk-seminars, and info-videos about the Earth, its composition, the life that lived and still lives on it and speculate on the future of our planet and other life carrying bodies in the universe.
The Expeditioner’s Discovery Guild line up includes Brandon Ahrens, Sergio Treviso, Molly Essenburg, Destin Bogart and David Lichliter and this experienced team aims to bring to its readership the very latest developments in scientific literature, providing informed comment but retaining a light touch with a focus on entertaining as well as enlightening.
Publishing Plans
Plans include publishing new articles every week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays), authors, academics and science writers are invited to contribute to what is described as an “experience-heavy project”.
Discussing the need to attract more high calibre writers, Destin Bogart explained:
“We are a small group and we need more members! Scientists and scientifically minded people are invited to submit their contributions and we are also looking for candidates with a gift for narration, to provide the voice overs for our planned video series.”
To contact Everything Dinosaur with questions about prehistoric animals and fossils: Email Everything Dinosaur.
The team intend to base each article on a specific organism, examining how it lives, its biology and so forth. Looking into the future (something we at Everything Dinosaur would expect astrobiologists to be very accomplished at), the Expeditioner’s Discovery Guild intend to create a series of encyclopaedias that contain all the articles published. These encyclopaedias will, at first, probably be made available via a digital download and they will include a directory of the contributors (profiles, avatars and a short biography).
The Expeditioner’s Discovery Guild welcomes new scribes and anyone wishing to participate in this exciting project that has all ready established a Tumblr account as well as a blog and web platform. Soon a dedicated YouTube channel will be added.
Explore Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Everything Dinosaur website.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur wished the team every success with their new project.
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