Name an English Dinosaur “Anglosaurus lomaxi“
In October, Everything Dinosaur ran a competition to win a signed copy of the terrific dinosaur book “Dinosaurs of the British Isles”. This book, which was published in the summer, catalogues the dinosaur discoveries known from the British Isles and it was written by the highly talented Dean Lomax and Nobumichi Tamura. Following a foreward by the eminent palaeontologist Dr Paul Barrett, the authors summarise what is known about the history of every dinosaur species discovered within the British Isles.
“Dinosaurs of the British Isles”
The Front Cover of “Dinosaurs of the British Isles”
Picture credit: Siri Scientific Press
Palaeontologist Dean Lomax kindly signed a copy and sent it over to Everything Dinosaur, we had a prize, now all we needed was a competition. The contest we came up was to name an imaginary new species of English dinosaur. We had so many imaginative entries, we can’t give everyone a mention but here’s a few…
- “Herniornis Londonous” – Bubosaurus
- “Ankyliceritops” – Heathyceritops
- “Britanniasaurus” – Tom
- “Blightyosaurus” – Aaron
- “Elgaraptor” – Melanie
- “Ukinodon” – Ken
- “Manteladon” – Darryl
- “Forsythodon” – Eleanor
- “Stiffupperliposaur” – Rosemary
- “Anningosaurus” – Susan
- “Kyleosaurus” – Wyatt
- “Britisaurus” – Sarah
- “Arthurodon” – Kevin
Everything Dinosaur
Honourable mentions to all these but the winning entry pulled out of the hat was “Anglosaurus lomaxi” posted up on Everything Dinosaur’s Facebook page by Robert. The name translates as “Lomaxi’s English Lizard”, which was very apt after all, this would not be the first dinosaur name to honour a palaeontologist.
To read more about the “Dinosaurs of the British Isles”: “Dinosaurs of the British Isles” Reviewed.
To visit the publisher’s website and to order the book: Siri Scientific Press.
Once again our congratulations to Robert and our thanks to everyone who took part. Look out for more competitions on our Facebook page and on the Everything Dinosaur blog.
Visit Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning web page: Everything Dinosaur.
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