Beware of Imitations of CollectA Models
CollectA International Limited has been in business for a number of years now. Their dedicated team have produced some amazing models of prehistoric fauna and flora in the replica range entitled “Prehistoric Life”, we at Everything Dinosaur have been selling CollectA models since the company started and our team members are proud of our strong working relationship with this hard working company.
It is sad to receive news that a company has started to manufacture poor quality copies of a number of CollectA prehistoric animal models. Not only are the models being made and sold, but the firm concerned has used CollectA’s logo and even a picture of dear Anthony Beeson to help promote this range. To all fans of CollectA, please, please, please be careful where you buy CollectA models from.
CollectA Models
All the models made by CollectA are individually hand-crafted and are manufactured from the best quality materials. CollectA are constantly striving to improve their product range, investing and working very hard so that they can bring you the best possible model range.
Examples of the Copied CollectA Models

Avoid these models, inferior quality and not from CollectA. Everything Dinosaur urgest dinosaur fans and model collectors not to buy copied figures.
Poor Quality Copies
Having their replicas copied like this is a form of flattery, we at Everything Dinosaur have come across instances where some of our own photography has been used by unscrupulous people for personal gain. We too, have had our imitators, even those who have claimed our Everything Dinosaur logo as their own. For CollectA, they have taken the precaution of informing company lawyers, since the imitations are being made in China, it may not be possible to prevent such copies being manufactured.
Peter Leung, the General Manager at CollectA commented to Everything Dinosaur:
“This is extremely annoying and it would be gratefully appreciated if you [Everything Dinosaur] could give a warning to collectors”.
Collectors Urged to Take Care
We are happy to do this for you Peter, we would urge all model collectors to take great care and to ensure that they are sourcing CollectA products from a reputable source, such as Everything Dinosaur, we go to a great deal of trouble to support the work of the enthusiastic staff at CollectA, a spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur added:
“We do see instances such as this from time to time and we would urge all fans of CollectA to take care when sourcing models. We cannot be certain as to the type of plastic these replicas are made from, we don’t know what sort of paints have been used. Many of these models may be being given to children and this concerns me greatly”.
Comparisons between the CollectA Made Models and the Imposters
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Identifying Authentic Models
The above picture shows three authentic CollectA models (top) compared against their imitations (bottom). The dinosaurs depicted (from left to right) are Styracosaurus, Iguanodon and the North African sauropod Rebbachisaurus.
Everything Dinosaur remains strongly committed to support CollectA. The company stocks a huge number of models and every named prehistoric animal model supplied by Everything Dinosaur is sent out with its own fact sheet that has been researched and written by team members. Recently, Everything Dinosaur added Daspletosaurus, Diabloceratops and Prezwalski’s Horse fact sheets to its portfolio, as a result of taking in stocks of the new 2013 model releases from CollectA.
To view the not-to-scale CollectA Prehistoric Life/Prehistoric World model range: CollectA Prehistoric Life/World Models and Figures.
To view the range of scale CollectA prehistoric animal models in stock at Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe/Supreme Prehistoric World Models.
The message is simple, please take care and beware of imitations!
Uh,I am a bit worried about this.I didn’t know it;thank you advising it,really.Now I’ll be carefully when I’ll buey CollectA model.I totally agree with you.The quality of the copies are very bad and there are some models in this post CollectA haven’t released.I am a very very big fan of CollectA and clearly the copies cannot be compared with CollectA’s great models.I also agree with you;their quality is even going better and better every year!I am glad about that.So thank you posting it.Cheers .Juan Andrés
Thanks for your contribution, much appreciated. It is sad to see this sort of thing happening.
Yes,It’s sad, I agree with you.CollectA has became one of my favorite manufacturers and I’m really a big CollectA fan,I love their models.Also there is a model in the post that looks like a Protoceratops,but they haven’t released it yet,so can be easily distingued.My biggest support to the CollectA team,who release amazing replicas .
Juan Andrés
Thanks, I am contacting the Collecta Sales Manager today I will pass on your comments and those you made earlier at the Deinotherium post about wanting more models of that type.
Note: sites like Everything Dinosaur, Happy Hen Toys, Mini Zoo, Dan’s Dinosaurs, and The Dinosaur Farm are authorized retailers and sell authentic CollectA figures. Beware of sites like EBay, Amazon, and AliExpress, which often uses third party vendors.