Last Recommended Posting Date for Second Class Post (An Important Update)

By |2024-04-22T13:58:11+01:00December 17th, 2011|Everything Dinosaur News and Updates|0 Comments

Saturday is Last Day for Second Class Post

Today is the last recommended posting date for second class post in the United Kingdom according to Royal Mail.  Our team members are working from 7am until 10pm every day in the run up to Christmas doing all we can to despatch customers orders in time for the big day.  If you have a query about our products and services, or if you simply want to ask a question about dinosaurs, feel free to email us and we will do our best to help.

Recommended Posting Date

Email Everything Dinosaur: Contact Everything Dinosaur.

Everything Dinosaur staff have been busy working late on Friday evening preparing parcels and some team members went to the Post Office themselves this morning to ensure parcels were despatched in time for a Royal Mail collection.  We will also have staff working on Sunday (18th) to ensure that there is no delay in despatching orders that have been placed over the weekend.

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s website: Everything Dinosaur.